The Higher Self and the Lower Self - Part 47 In the 7 groups of - TopicsExpress


The Higher Self and the Lower Self - Part 47 In the 7 groups of 36 Tatvas [36 Elements of Consciousness Expansion], which exist in the parametric space [Maha Akasha] of the Infinite Universe [Brahmanda], the 3 Lower Tatva [Element] groups out of the 7 Tatva Groups relate the evolving desire mind [Individualized Personality Consciousness] to the five fold matrix [Parpancha] of 3 dense worlds [Trilokas]. The next 5th group in the 7th Tatva [Element] groups is known as the Pancha Tanmatras [Elements of Sensations] in Sanskrit Language . This 5th Tatva [element] group is composed of Pancha Tanmatra Tatvas [5 live Elemental essences, which subjectively and objectively create all the subjective and objective Sensations of the Evolved and Evolving Mind, which depict the desired or intended Will of the Matrix Thought Forms [Parpancha], in the Evolving and Expanding Consciousness of an Entity or a Being. The five elements of Sensations [Pancha Tanmatra Tatvas], In the huge Egg Shaped parametric space [Maha Akasha] of the subjectively and objectively manifested Cosmic Milky Way Galaxy which is known in Sanskrit Language as the Antarikshiy Ksheer Sagara Brahmanda, and also in the Dense Vital Ethereal Parametric Space [Akasha], which is known to the Seers and Sages [Rishi - Munis] since ancient times as the segmented Cosmic Vital/Physical Plane of the Milky Way Galaxy, in which our current Solar Universe subjectively and objectively exists, these 5 Sensation Tatvas [Elements] are governed by their subjective and objective energy distribution Consciousness Centers. In the case of the huge Milky way Galaxy, the centrally located rotating long Bar composed of shining stars systems, which is located in its very center, and is composed of innumerable Glowing Solar Star Universes, appearing like a huge Rectangular Bar or an Elongated Cylinder, act as its energy distribution Consciousness Center, and thus continuously distribute the live elemental Sensation Energies of the expanding and evolving mind consciousness, throughout the extended spiraling arms of the Milky Way Galaxy, which themselves are composed of various differentiated consciousness Solar Star Universe Systems, which have been collectively termed and consciously defined by the highly advanced ancient Vedic Seers [Rishis] in Sanskrit Language, as the Antarikshiy Rashi Mandlas of the huge Antarikshiy Ksheer Sagara Brahmanda [Milky Way Galaxy]. In case of the 3 dense dimensional worlds [Trilokas] of this Planet Earth [Prithvi Graha], these 5 Tanmatra Tatvas [Elements of Sensations] collectively relate the Evolving Consciousness to the live elemental essences of 1st Tatva [Element] known as the Sukshma Tatva of the earlier mentioned 4th Group Antahkarna Tatvas [Elements of the Inner Consciousness], which is the basis for the formation of The Causal Body, and thus its Creation, Maintenance and Preservation during cyclic conscious expansion, and in the end is also the very cause of its Parametric Dissolution [Destruction] or of its manifested enveloping form [Causal Body], which earlier housed theLotus shaped Energy Form [Anandmay Kosha] or the Padma of the individualized Solar Consciousness Soul Mind commonly referred to by the Vedic Seers and Sages [Rishi - Munis] in Sanskrit Language as the Garbha Graha [The Womb House], which is known in English Language as the Inner Sanctum or the Sanctum Sanctorum of the evolving Higher Self, which being a tiny conscious reflection of the desire mind of the unknowable Solar Logos, is thus supported by its objectively manifested central pistils [Sun] vital consciousness energies, which include these five Elements of Sensations [Tanmatra Tatvas]. Since ancient times upon the physical plane [Bhu loka], this Grabha Graha [Sanctum Sanctorum] has been duplicated by the prophets, and ministering seers and sages of the evolving human races acting as the guiding pillars for the incarnated evolving human beings of this planet earth, who constructed it in the very heart centers of their Temples of Worship, and thus formed it in the shape of a six sided Cube or an Rectangle [6 is the mathematical number, which represents the subjective Heart and Mind consciousness of the objectively manifested Solar Sun [Surya] in our Solar Universe [Sor Mandla]. These Sanctum Sanctorums [Garbha Grahas] thus constructed upon the dense physical plane [Bhu loka] act as a physical representation of the Inner Sanctum or the Womb house Garbha Greha of the energy lotus formation existence known as the Higher Self, which is situated in the parametric space of the Causal Body existing upon the Mental plane [Sva Loka], and thus are depicted as the Inner Most Centers of the Radiant Spirit Consciousness in all these physical depictions, which since ancient times have existed as the Holy Sanctified Innermost Centers in the Temples of Worship, venerated by the various evolving human cultures upon the dense physical plane of this planet earth [Prithvi Graha]. These ancient and current evolving human cultures belong to the earlier 3 main races of this planet earth, which are commonly known to the evolved Seers and Sages [Rishi - Munis] as the incarnated races of Lemurians, Atlantians, and Aryans, as well as their differentiated Sub and Branch races, which include the human followers of various current religions which are known as the Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Jains, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Chinese religions etc. and also include the followers of all the ancient religions which prospered in the evolving cultures of Sumer, Persians, Canaanites, Akkadians, Mesopotamians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Tibetans, etc. As per the Holy Bible records [1 Kings 6. 18, 19, 20,29 ], it is stated that the Great Temple of Jerusalem built by the great and wise prophet King Solomon had an inner sanctuary, which was 20 cubits in length, 20 cubits in width and 20 cubits in height thus existing in a shape of Cube, having the engravings of Cherubim, Palm trees and Open flowers [Lotuses], the Holy Kaba Temple in Mecca, existing as the Inner Sanctuary or the Sanctum Sanctorum is also technically an representation of a six sided Cube thus representing the Holy House of the Inner Most Solar Consciousness [Shemesh, Shams, Shamesh]. To Be Continued.. Vashisht Vaid,
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:17:56 +0000

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