The History of Palestine and Its Occupation Part ~ 2. Today, - TopicsExpress


The History of Palestine and Its Occupation Part ~ 2. Today, certain countries are trying to question the issue of Palestine and why the issue is ever debated. They claim it is an issue settled long ago. We do believe that the issue of Palestine is by no means over. It is not as the Israelis, the Americans and some other countries assume. Palestinians are by no means going to live outside their own country for ever. Or if they are living inside the country, they are never going to be an oppressed minority for ever, making room for the invading outsiders to stay in their country. This will never be the case. Countries like Georgia, Qazaqistan, and the newly-independent countries of Central Asia were colonized by other nations and governments for hundreds of years. Some were under the rule of the Soviet Union. Others were ruled by Russia before the Soviet Union existed. These countries regained their independence, and were ultimately inhabited by their own people. Therefore, the issue of liberating Palestine is by no means a settled issue. Palestine will ultimately be inhabited by Palestinians. The issue is therefore not ended, and those who think so are utterly mistaken. Today, the policy of the Israelis and their allies, among whom the US outstands , is to make use of the pleasant term "peace" .They are asking other nations to make peace; What does this mean? Peace is indeed a pleasant notion, but whom with and under what conditions? The day the Zionist regime set foot on Lebanon, carrying out such massacres in Deir Yassin and other places, no one in the country had transgressed or violated any rules; at least the inhabitants in those areas had not transgressed or violated any rules. Of course, there was a group of intrepid daring youth fighting against them. Even on those days the Zionist regime was saying: "Why did they break into our land?" But those people who were victims of constant atrocities, being expelled from their farms and villages under such massacres had never violated any rules. Therefore, the regime is indeed transgressive and oppressive in nature. The Zionist regime is founded on bullying, oppression, violence and hard-heartedness and will continue its operations on those bases. Without such oppression and cruelty, they would have never succeeded and will never do so in the future either. Some countries are urging us to make peace with the regime, but what kind of peace are they after? If Zionists be content with their own rights and leave the land of Palestine to its own people - the Palestinians - or ask the Palestinian government to let some or all of them stay in the country, no single nation will be at odds with their regime. The war is because they have invaded Palestine, expelled its people from the country and have constantly oppressed them. The Zionist regime is currently oppressing all nations in the region and is a threat to all countries in the area. They are seeking such peace as a foundation for further atrocities and invasions. If there is to be any peace of their kind, it will only act as the foundation for Zionists` future transgressions.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:42:08 +0000

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