The Holidays are approaching and many people are saying to me - TopicsExpress


The Holidays are approaching and many people are saying to me Alex, I just cant take the time for me right now. I just cant afford to set aside any extra cash to go to the Gym or buy healthy foods. All of the above really breaks my heart. Nothing is more important to your family than your health and happiness. If you are saying to yourself I am Fat, I hate my body, I feel sick, I feel tired, I wish I could fit into my clothes, I feel sluggish, I cannot keep up with my kids, Im scared to go to the Doctor because I am terrified at what they might say to me about my blood sugar and and cholesterol... CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND SHOPPING FOR THEM SHOULD NOT BE YOUR MAIN PRIORITY. I can promise you, your family can tell how you feel about yourself. It comes off very subtly, in minor ways! That food made me feel fat. Haha if I wasnt so fat I would wear that outfit. You may not realize what youre saying or what your actions say, but your family is hearing it and internalizing it. Besides the fact that what youre saying and your habits are rubbing off on your family, I can promise you your family wants you around longer. They want you to be healthy. They want you to be confident, healthy and happy with yourself. The best gift you can give your family is setting the right example for health and fitness, and also giving them a parent who will be around for a while with a healthy heart, mind and spirit. Christmas is right around the corner. Be frugal on gifts that may just end up in the garbage or good will, and invest in a healthy happy fit parent. Your family may be bummed they arent getting the PS4 this year, they will get it next year!! Here is an idea... FAMILY TAE KWON DO LESSONS. FAMILY TENNIS LESSONS. FAMILY CLEAN EATING COOKING CLASSES. The possibilities are endless... but make fitness and healthy living the priority this holiday season. So lets jump to this people!!!!! If you need a head start in your weight loss and fitness. I have a small group starting after Thanksgiving. You can lose 10-15 lbs just before Christmas. So message me or in box me.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:51:25 +0000

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