The Holy Isle, South West Scotland – Spiritual Retreat of - TopicsExpress


The Holy Isle, South West Scotland – Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Fhelyai (pronounced Felyay), Archangel for the animals. By Janet Lawson – teacher of Angels, Ascension and Lemurian Planetary Healing with the Diana Cooper School As I live in the Ayrshire town of Ayr, I thought I would give you some information about a beautiful little island called Holy Isle that sits in front of the Isle of Arran. For those readers who have never visited Holy Isle, you catch a ferry from the Ayrshire town of Ardrossan and take the 55 minute sail across to the Isle of Arran. During the months between April and October, you can then take a short 10 minute sail on a small boat to the very peaceful Holy Isle. Holy Isle lives up to its name for two reasons. 1. When an Archangel is actively involved with our planet they have a spiritual retreat (home) in a high frequency realm above certain locations and these places often have a strong spiritual or religious vibration to them. For Example, Archangel Gabriel’s spiritual retreat is above Mount Shasta in California. Mount Shasta is also famous for the 5th dimensional Lemurians who live in a realm at Mount Shasta called Telos. Mother Mary’s spiritual retreat is at Lourdes in France and this has a strong Christian vibration, and Archangel Fhelyai, the Archangel for animals, has his spiritual retreat in a realm above the Holy Isle. If you feel you have a strong empathy for the welfare of animals, or feel the need to be a voice for animals that are being abused or neglected, then you are most likely tuning into the vibration of Archangel Fhelyai, who works through many people to get the help and care needed to abused and neglected animals around the world. (Diana Cooper brought forward the information about Archangels Gabriel and Fhelyai. Aurelia Louise Jones brought forward the information about the Lemurians in Telos). 2. This little island has had spiritual links for many years, going way back to the 6th century. It has an ancient healing spring, the hermit-cave of a 6th Century monk called St Molaise, and evidence of a 13th Century Christian Monastery. However, the recent use of Holy Isle, the Holy Isle Project, has a very interesting story behind it. In 1990, Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist meditation master in the Kagyu tradition and also the Abbot of Samye Ling Monastery in Dumfriesshire (where he lives most of the year) was approached by a lady called Mrs Kay Morris, who owned Holy Isle together with her husband. Mrs Morris, a devout Catholic, was visited by the Virgin Mary in a dream and instructed to pass Holy Isle to Lama Yeshe, and she was told that the island had to be used for peace and meditation. Although the asking price for the island seemed an impossible sum for Lama Yeshe to come up with, this was achieved. After acquiring the island, there was much work to be done. The buildings both at the north and the south end had been uninhabited for years and were in a semi-derelict state. It took many years of hard work by dedicated volunteers to make the facilities what they are now. From the beginning, Lama Yeshe wanted to create and provide an ecologically sustainable environment where individuals could develop and experience inner peace, regardless of their background or spiritual tradition. Lama Yeshe is very active in the interfaith dialogue both in Scotland and abroad as the representative of Buddhism in the Scottish Inter Faith Council, and he envisions this open dialogue to be an increasingly important aspect of the island. Some - though not all - of the volunteers living on the island are practicing Buddhists, and there is a daily meditation schedule which visitors are welcome to join. It must be stressed however, that Holy Isle is not a Buddhist Centre or a monastery. A closed Buddhist retreat takes place in the converted lighthouse cottages at the south of the island. Since the first one year retreat started in 1995, the Inner Light Retreat has been in constant use. The first traditional Buddhist three-year and three-month retreat on the island was completed in March 2006 by twelve women. Since then a few women have undertaken to do individual long retreats, while building works have begun so that the retreat will soon be able to accommodate up to 21 people. On Arran there are a further 21 retreat places for men who started their long retreat in June 2005 in Samye Dechen Shing, a purpose built retreat centre. In the future, the two retreats will run simultaneously, on Arran and on Holy Isle. Please note that as this is a long term closed retreat; no visitors are allowed to enter the clearly signposted gate to the retreat. In Tibet it is traditional to carve and paint depictions of the Buddha and saints on rocks and cliffs along pilgrimage routes and at holy places and a Tibetan monk living in Samye Ling has carved several figures on the rocks along the path to the south end of the island, depicting key historical figures of the Kagyu Lineage and other significant images. They are carved and painted according to the traditional proportions and colours of Tibetan art. You can find teachings on the life stories of some of the figures on the Samye Ling website. The information for Holy was obtained from I have had the pleasure of visiting this very peaceful island a couple of times and one of those times was when the Dalai Lama was staying at his residence on Holy Isle. Although I never met him, sometimes the Dalai Lama has time to give an audience to some of the visitors. As a visitor to Holy Isle, you have the option of being a day visitor, or arranging to stay at the visitor centre, paying for both a single or double occupancy room and the price also includes three vegetarian meals per day. Or you can hire the centre to run your own residential course and all faiths are welcome. You may also be interested in the following websites: dalailama/ dianacooper/ dianacooperschool/ Namaste! Janet Lawson
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:39:54 +0000

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