The Holy Quran says: 4.135 O You who believe! stand out firmly - TopicsExpress


The Holy Quran says: 4.135 O You who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest You swerve, and if You distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that You do. 5.8 O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do. Although there have been many incidents that happened during the time of Rasoolullah (S) in this regard, let me relate to you an incident which happened long after the demise of our Holy Prophet (S) to prove how much of his teachings, his character and his life had influenced and ingrained into the community of the first generation of Muslims. This was the period of the 2nd Caliph of Islam – Hazrath Omar Khathab (R). One day Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) after the mid-day prayer was giving a sermon in the mosque, a Jewish Lady walks in with a baby in her arms. and she said: “O Amirul Mu’mineen, Commander of the Faithful, I have come to you seeking Justice. Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) replied: Dear lady, that is what we dispense here – please tell me what your problem is.” She said: “Over a year ago – while walking along the road at night, I was accosted by a young man, who was in a state of drunkenness – I was helpless – he harmed and committed an offence on me to outrage my modesty – and today I am here with a baby in my arms. I had undergone untold sufferings during this past year – and at last managed to trace the offender – He was none other than your son “Abu Sahmah”. Everybody was stunned – there was pin drop silence in the congregation. Then Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) asked: “Are you certain that it was my son Abu Sahmah who was drunk and who committed the offence on you?” The Jewish Lady said: “ I am very certain O Ameerul Mu’mineen- I had verified it, confirmed it and made quite certain before I came here to present my case.” Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) tells the congregation “ None of you should leave this place, until I return.” The congregation was dumbfounded. The Son of the mightiest Caliph of the Muslim empire is being accused of drunkenness and rape. Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) goes home and finds his son having his meals – he says : “Son, this may be your last meal – quickly finish it and come with me to go to the mosque.” Abu Sahmah was stunned – he could not eat and neither could he swallow what was in his mouth. The father then asks – “Abu Sahmah, about a year ago were you in a drunken state?” – No answer. “Whilst in this state did you commit an offence on a Jewish lady to outrage her modesty?” – No Answer. Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) New that his son was guilty of the offense. He grabs him by the hand and drags him to the mosque. Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) now asks the Jewish Lady in the presence of the congregation: “Is this the Abu Sahmah you were referring to?” The Jewish Lady said: “Yes, O Amirul Mu’mineen, this is the very sameAbu Sahma who commited the offense on me to outrage my modesty.” Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) said without hesitation : Under Islamic Law, I declare that he be given 80 Lashes for drunkenness and 100 Lashes for harming a woman. And both punishments should be given now.” Look at the laws around us and around the world – Whatever the offense you may commit under the influence of liquor you can go scot free – because they say, that you were intoxicated and you did not know what you were doing. Islam takes a completely different stand : When you were in the process of consuming the liquor you were conscious. The Proximate Cause in legal parlance using Latin terminology – it is – Causa Causans – The causes of all causes, The proximate that sets in motion a train of events – in this case it is the intoxicant – The first punishment is for taking the prohibited intoxicant – 80 Lashes. Thereafterf, you are punished severely for every crime you may commit under the influence of liquor – This is Justice in Islam. Now, When the order was given for the implementation of both the punishments – Immediately the congregation protested. They said: “He is a young boy, He cannot bear both the punishments – Just break up the punishments – and give it to him in instalments.” Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) : said: “No, Both the punishments will go together. His son was taken to the courtyard – and his arms were raised and tied onto two poles. He gives the whip to the executioner and says – “I want you to give him the hardest whipping ever given to any human being – or else I will take the whip away from you.” The crowd was stunned, speechless. The whipping now began – one by one – the hardest whipping ever – The skin on the back split open – blood started spurting everywhere – whip after whip – peaces of flesh started flying everywhere. People sat there and stared dumb-founded. On the 179th Lash The boy was about to collapse - Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) stayed the lashing – went upto his son and said: “I do not think that you will survive this punishment – but when you pass away and when you meet my prophet (S) tell him that your father Omar had established the law of the Quran on earth. Tell him that he had established the Sunnah of the Prophet on Earth,” As he said it, the boy collapsed and breathed his last. Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’oon. The body was brought down from the scaffold - Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) went and sat on the ground lifted his son’s head with both hands and placed it on his lap. Then tears started streaming down the face of Hazrath Omar Khathab (R). The People said: “O Omar, we told you not to give both the punishments together, we told you he will not survive the punishment, You did not listen to us – now why are you crying?” Hazrath Omar Khathab (R) said: O people, you have misunderstood these tears of mind. These tears are streaming down for Four Reasons: 1. These are Tears of Happiness – that I have established the laws of Allah – because of the fear of Allah. 2. These are Tears of Happiness -= that I have established the Great Sunnah – The tradition of the Holy Prophet (S). 3. These are Tears of Happiness because I have saved my son from Eternal Hell Fire. 4. and lastly, He is my son, I will never see him again and hence this tear. People were thunderstruck – There was pin drop silence. The body of Abu Sahmah was taken, washed, shrouded and taken for burial. After the burial – remember there was One Lash remaining – you do not lash a body after death – So Umar (R) ordered that the last lash be given on the grave. If the rulers can establish this Justice – We guarantee you that definitely there will be peace. Even if people are starving they will not rebel – because they know, that you too are starving. Just reflect on what is happening around us – What his happening around the world – think, reflect, ponder, meditate and try to understand.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:52:23 +0000

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