The Holy Spirit tells me to speak of a dream in which the LORD GOD - TopicsExpress


The Holy Spirit tells me to speak of a dream in which the LORD GOD ELOHIM shown me a missle in flight and spoke unto me that the missle would strike in these United States of America!!! Of course I was gravely concerned with what had been shown me and those things which the LORD GOD ELOHIM spoke unto me... such things as this beloved brethren, the air shall be filled with smoke, ash and sulpher and those eye shall see nothing but rubble piled high which has been caused by the evil intentions within mans heart twards his neighbor!!! It shall be the west coast of these United States of America that shall suffer much since the evilest of men will rise up against his brother as if to be judge and jury... they shall do what seems unthinkable unto one another!!! There shall be governments across this earth that shall rise up against the Holy One of Israel to wage war with Him and His most Beloved Son in the presence of the Holy Spirit... so evil are their intentions that they shall do much like in the days of the LORD GOD ELOHIMS servant Daniel... they themselves shall desire to be Him who is Holy Holy Holy altogether!!! Temples and churches alike shall be forced to close their doors and the fulness of evil shall desire to reign therefore, we shall knowing that we are to meet Him...Our Beloved, soon and very soon, we must prepare for those who shall come out of the great tribulation... choosing the LORD GOD ELOHIM and His most Beloved Son to rule over their lives and not that which is evilest altogether... I was told to tell all the beloved brethren to wrap well the WORD of the LORD GOD ELOHIM and bury such under the Pine trees for great shall be the number which shall come out of the deep sleeper type states in which they we held in bondage!!! Pray without ceasing for we have been chosen of Him whom is LOVE to do so... recall such things when you are pressed hard... we are indeed to love our enemies as He who has loved us most unequally has told us to do such!!! We are never to do otherwise... let us ever recall such when times may tempt us to harken not unto the voice of the Holy Spirit!!! Be not deceived but rather... bodly rebuke the LORD GOD ELOHIMS adversary in the name which has much power... that name being... Jesus Christ unto the Christian and Yeshua HaMashiah unto the Jew... whom, beloved, are indeed ONE before the very face of Him whom we profess ever so bodly to love high above all others!!! Shalom and may the LORD GOD ELOHIM and His most Beloved Son in the presence of the Holy Spirit who indeed dwells within us... be blessed and remain ever faithful by the strength given unto us to resist the evilest of the fallen in His most Holy Holy Holy name!!! Much love in Him who was indeed crucified for us... risen from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father in the presence of the entire of hosts of heaven
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 15:15:41 +0000

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