The Honesty of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Before the advent - TopicsExpress


The Honesty of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Before the advent of Islam, the Quraish used to call the Prophet (peace be upon him) As-Sadiq Al-Amin (“the truthful and trustworthy one”), whether he was coming or going, present or absent. Even his enemies bore witness to his honesty. They did not accuse him of betrayal; rather, they used to choose him as an arbitrator during their arguments. They also used to deposit their valuables in trust to him. Although they antagonized him, harmed him, and conspired to assault him, they continued to leave their property with him in trust. The Prophet (peace be upon him) never betrayed them nor stole their wealth. Rather kept it safe and returned it to them. When he immigrated to Madinah, he left his cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib to deliver such trusts back to their owners. When Khadijah heard of the integrity, honesty, and principled behavior of the Prophet (peace be upon him) she sent a job offer to him to be head of her trading caravans. As a result, her trade and profits increased. She then asked him to marry her, and he accepted. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was eager to teach his Companions the principles of honesty early in his Prophethood. His cousin Ja’far reported this to Al-Najashi when he asked about their religion. In addition, the Prophet (peace be upon him) clarified that “There is no faith in him who is not trustworthy and there is no religion in him who does not respect his covenant.” (Narrated by Ahmad) In fact, there was no trust weightier than proclaiming the religion of Islam. Allah Almighty says: “Soon We shall send down to you a weighty Message.” (Al-Muzzammil: 5) Allah also ordered the Prophet (peace be upon him) to proclaim the Message to all mankind. Allah says: “O Messenger! Proclaim the (message) which has been sent to you from your Lord. If you didst not, you would not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission.” So he was declared qualified for this Glorious Trust. The Quraish tried many times to bargain with him to give up this Trust, but he did not give in to them. They also tried to bargain with him to breach it: they asked him to worship their idols one year, and they would worship Allah alone the other year. He refused all of these attempts and proclaimed the Trust dutifully. “To you be your Way, and to me mine.” (Al-Kafirun: 6) This was the most important application of the Prophet’s honesty (peace be upon him). He deserves to be known as the most faithful and trustworthy of people in the heavens or on earth.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 07:35:19 +0000

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