The Hoover Dam Story (The Red Dawn) Pt 9 Dragon and - TopicsExpress


The Hoover Dam Story (The Red Dawn) Pt 9 Dragon and Tiger. Hu swung his gigantic Dao wildly with his arms again and again without holding back. With the strength of Hu’s massive body size, the damage of each strike pierced concrete and slashed iron as paved his path with his attacks. Nothing could stand in Hu and his blade’s way. Ming moved quickly and swiftly like a snake, fluid and sudden, dodging every strike by the inches. Ming knew that Hu’s rage-filled attacks were brutal, but thoughtless and discomposed. His movements were wild and predictable. But upon knowing that, Ming knew that he must still be careful, for one false move could mean the death of him. Hu’s fire in his heart seemed to have burnt even stronger as Ming dodges. “ARRRGGGGGHHH!!!!” Hu roared with extreme frustration, he grabbed the edge of a table nearby and threw it at Ming with full force. Ming jumped backwards and swung his sword from the bottom to the top, splitting the office table into two, avoiding the attack. Upon the table’s separation, Hu’s broad head appeared right behind the table, swinging his Dao horizontally at Ming as he span. “DAMN IT!” Ming cursed, it was too late to duck. The blade cut into Ming’s left arm, hot blood splashed across the wall behind Ming, but Ming kicked the ground harshly, avoiding the blade to cut too deep into his left arm, resulting only a small cut. Ming held his jian steadily in his hand, planning his next move. He didn’t want to harm his comrade, but at the same time, he needed to end the fight quickly too, before it gets out of hand or the guards’ returning. Hu, on the other hand paid no mind to his surrounding nor the person he was fighting with, his rage was burning too brightly to be tamed. “RAAAAGHHH!!!!” roared Hu, as he advanced once again towards Ming. Ming focused his vision and waited for an opening, Hu’s monstrous power was matched by an equally unnatural speed, the attack was imminent before Ming spotted a weak point at Hu’s waist as he swung. Ming rolled forward and stomped on the ground, generating power towards his extended arm, and he stroke. The punch connected directly onto Hu’s broad jaw, it knocked him a few paces back. It was effective enough to disorient him, but not enough to knock him out. Ming knew the blow wouldn’t be enough, but that was not his intention, he needed only to weaken him and not to kill. Once again, Hu charged, his dao pulled all the way back to his back and he slashed with much force. Ming took a chance and decided to meet this attack head on. The blow came contact with Ming’s jian, the impact was so strong it sent Ming flying across the room along with his jian. But Ming’s experienced reflex allowed him to put his feet flatly against the wall, hence limiting the damage of the blow, and passed the shock energy from his body onto the wall, making the concrete wall crack and crumble. But Hu’s brutal advancement was not finished, before Ming could catch a breath, Hu thrust his dao towards Ming with one of his hand pushing the top of the pommel, maximizing the force of the strike. He was going in for the kill. There was little time to react but Ming managed to hold his sword sideways, with the pommel facing the front, the tip of the blade pointed at the wall behind Ming. “THIS IS IT.” CLASH!!! The air shook, red and yellow sparks flew as Hu’s Dao came in contact with Ming’s Jian, colliding it from the bottom to the tip of the jian, the devastating strike reaching Ming closer and closer. Hu’s massive body moving closer and closer to Ming as the strikes reaches. “This is the end, Hu.” Ming whispered quietly, turning his body side-ways, parrying the brutal tip of the Dao, making the strike to hit and smash the wall behind Ming instead. Then, combining the power of Hu’s strike and Ming’s own, Ming rammed the pommel of his jian onto Hu’s forehead, creating a forceful BANG. The strike was so hard it knocked Hu’s gigantic body flying backwards, who fell onto the cold concrete floor with his limbs spread out like a star, and moved no more. -Ming
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 09:37:34 +0000

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