The Hope Diamond is one of the worlds most famous diamonds and, at - TopicsExpress


The Hope Diamond is one of the worlds most famous diamonds and, at 45.52 carats, is the worlds largest deep blue diamond. This diamond has had an amazing and rich history and is even believed by some to be cursed, bringing misfortune to all that own or come in contact with the stone. According to the legend, the Hope Diamond can trace its ancestry back to the Great Blue Diamond which is said to be stolen from India from the statue of a Hindu Goddess Sita by Jean Baptiste Tavernier. This is where the story of the curse begins. It is said that Tavernier sold the gem to King Louis XIV of France and upon his return to India, was killed by wild dogs. King Louis XIV had the diamond re-cut and is said to have worn the diamond only once before he died of small pox. The diamond is also blamed for the misfortune and deaths of several other members of the French aristocracy, including the executions of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette who both wore the stone. The Hope diamond was stolen after the French Revolution and did not reappear until 1812 when it was found in London. In 1830 the stone was purchased by the Hope family, where it got its name, and the stones reputation for being cursed grew. The Hope family was said to lose their fortune and die in poverty. The gem then Was acquired by a Russian prince and after that a Turkish Sultan, who both presented it to their mistresses, who they later killed. Eventually it was bought by Edward McLean who died on the Titanic, his wife lost her fortune and committed suicide. None of these stories are founded in fact, and there are many different versions of the legend. Although these legends are not true they have become part of the gems story and history adding to its mystery and intrigue. As far as the facts of the Hope Diamond go, its known history begins with King Louis XIV when he is believed to have purchased the gem in 1668. The gem was stolen after the French Revolution and did not reappear until 1812 when it was found in London. It was bought by the banker Henry Hope, where the stone got its name and was sold to pay off his debt. In 1911 Cartiers bought the diamond and it was bought by Evalyn Mclean, an American Heiress. The diamonds current setting of 16 white diamonds surrounding the stone on a chain of 45 diamonds was added by her. After Mcleans death the gem was purchased by Harry Winston who donated it to the Smithsonian Museum in 1958.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 17:30:01 +0000

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