The House Republican “leadership,” and we use that term in the - TopicsExpress


The House Republican “leadership,” and we use that term in the loosest sense, is preparing to confirm once and for all that it is a principle-free zone by scheduling a phony vote to defund Obamacare. The smoke and mirrors procedure cooked-up by House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions of Texas and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia calls for sending the Senate a stopgap spending bill together with a resolution that would alter the text of the bill once it’s enrolled for presentation to President Barack Obama – the so-called “enrollment correction” would bar funding to carry out Public Law 111-148, (Obamacare). The Democratic-controlled Senate of course retains the right to choose whether to accept the “correction,” or not, and could then send the funding bill on to President Obama with little more controversy or debate. This strategy has the effect of allowing House Republicans to be for funding Obamacare before they were against it.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 17:16:35 +0000

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