The House of Yahweh At Abel Abel, whom Cain killed, was the - TopicsExpress


The House of Yahweh At Abel Abel, whom Cain killed, was the Righteous Priest that Yahweh used to establish His first House. The Work that Abel did—the writings, records, and teachings—were still being used thousands of years later as is shown in: .II Samuyl 20:18— Then she spoke, saying; from the beginning, the Laws of Yahweh have said: To receive an answer, ask at Abel; and that would settle a matter. This history took place in the time of King David, around 1022 BCE, just a thousand years before Yahshua Messiah, and they were still seeking counsel at Abel, in the hills of Galilee. Although Yahweh allowed Abel to be killed in order to prove how fast the worlds morals would deteriorate without that Righteous shepherd; Abels Work was saved, and after the flood Noah used that Work to establish the hearts of Righteousness for generations to come. From that Righteousness in Galilee came forth Abraham and the twelve tribes, from which the Prophesied Lamb of Yahweh, Yahshua Messiah came. He was born, raised and taught at Abel in the hills of Galilee before He began His Ministry. Yahchanan was also taught at Abel in Galilee before he began his ministry. When the Pharisees came to where he was baptizing, did he preach Christianity to them? No! Yahchanan taught the Laws of Yahweh, repentance and conversion. Satan wants you to believe that the Pharisees taught Yahwehs Laws, and that starting with the Savior Yahshua and Yahchanan, Christianity was taught, in effect doing away with Yahwehs Laws of Righteousness, and that a new way to salvation was presented by Yahshua, Yahchanan and the twelve Disciples. To read on....
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 02:00:01 +0000

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