The Human Theory of Relativity by Jerry Hamar Do Athiests and - TopicsExpress


The Human Theory of Relativity by Jerry Hamar Do Athiests and Agnostics really believe in God? Would you pay a million dollars for cold glass of water? Would you pay 5 million dollars for some air? Would you pay 50 million dollars for 30 minutes of time? All interesting questions, welcome to the Theory of Human Relativity. Read on, there might be something in this for you, who knows. All of the items I mentioned are pretty much free. I have often questioned what money is really worth, especially if you were faced with holding it in your fist but having to give it up, could you? I am pretty sure you could. Money is a very relative thing! There is a story I heard once about one way African hunters capture monkees for dinner (which in their culture is a delicacy), without using a gun, a spear, or any tool other than a knife, and as you know, monkees are fast and they live in trees, so it is not like you are going to be able to catch them with a knife, or can you? The African hunter walks out to an area where there are many monkees, of course the monkees all flee to the trees and sit there howling and watching him. He simply walks up to a tree with a thick trunk, pulls out his knife, and begins to bore a hole into the tree trunk until there is a small cavern inside. He then puts the knife away, reaches into his bag, and pulls out a handfull of nuts, which he places into the hole in the tree. He then leaves. A few hours later, the hunter returns to find a monkey with his hand stuck in the hole in the tree because the monkey is too stupid to let go of the nuts which are preventing him from pulling his hand out of the hole. Of course, end of monkey, hello monkey dinner (Monkees are a delicasy, they are often used in marital celebrations and roasted over an open fire). I ask myself, how am I that monkey in my life? Do I hold onto anger, do I refuse to forgive, do I hold on tight to my money and refuse to give? Am I self righteous? Now, picture yourself having walked through Death Valley for three days, the searing sun, and no water, as well as no hope of water due to the fact you are completely lost. In your hand, you carry a silver hard case, in it, one million dollars. A man approaches you, he is holding a big glass of water, ice cubes and all. He tells you that you can have the water the moment you hand over the suitcase, but he also tells you that he doesnt need the money and you dont have to make the deal. You do not hesitate, you hand him the money without a thought and without a promise that he is even going to tell you the way out, or offer you any help other than a glass of water. You drink the water faster than a particle of light travels through the universe, having paid one million dollars for a free glass of water. You are then scuba diving, you swim into an underwater cave. You go deep into the cave, and before you know it, you are completely lost and out of air, so much so that you are on your last breath and gasping for air. While diving you found a suitcase full of about 5 million dollars. A man comes along side you with an extra tank of air, you dont know how much air is in the tank, or whether it will be enough air to get you to more air. He tells you that you must hand over the 5 million dollars or he will swim off. Guess what you do? You pay him the 5 million dollars, and you most likely cant hand over the money quick enough, all for some air that is free. You are a VERY loving family man, you love your wife, children, mom, and dad more than anything on earth. They are waiting for you at home about 6 blocks away in a nice apartment overlooking Central Park. You are walking in New York, you have a Swiss bank account number in your hand on a piece of paper, the account holds 50 million dollars in it, unless you have that number, the money is untouchable. You step out to cross a busy street just lost in the glory of thinking about how much money you have amassed and how no one can ever touch it. As you step out into the street lost in a day dream, a bus is travelling at 40 miles an hour four feet from smashing you into a bloody pulp, a man in a black suit and matching fedora snaps his fingers, the bus freezes 1 foot from your face and body, you cant move. The man tells you that you are going to die, it is inevitable! He also tells you that if you hand over the 50 million dollars he will leave time frozen for one hour so you can go say goodbye to your family, but in exactly one hour from the moment you hand him the money, you will snap away from them and reappear in front of the bus, time will start again, and you will be as dead as the chicken in the chicken dinner you had last week. He also tells you that if you dont give him the money, you will simply die now, and not get to see your family. You gladly hand him the 50 million dollars for something that is free, time! All things are relative in their relation to each other, it is our minds that bind us, the learning we received from society, TV, family, and everywhere else we got our molding from when growing up. But how do you free yourself? Read on......... You are an athiest (There is no God, and you know it), or an agnostic (There may be a God, but you want to see Him before you believe in Him, you want proof first). My personal opinion of Athiests and Agnostics is that they are smarter than your average religious person (Other than Christians, which is not a religion, but a personal relationship with Christ), they actually question their beliefs, they actually think about what they are being told, and they want to know who, why, where, and when, moreso than most other religions. However, how athiest or agnostic are they really? Are they like the monkees I spoke of in my earlier story, or are they simply afraid to be made fools of and non conformists? So, you are an athiest or an agnostic, and you fall off of a 70 story building, smashing on the cement below. You are laying there, a bloody pulp, yet still conscious for a moment, you can think clearly, but you feel no pain. No one sees you fall, except for one man in a black suit and a red tie. He rushes to you frantically, and kneels down beside you. He takes your hand into his and begins to comfort you, but there is something about the man that you dont trust. He looks directly into your eyes, he has a panicked look in his eyes and he whispers to you, Hey there, I know you are either an agnostic or an athiest, since you dont really care, can I have your soul. Your eyes look away, shocked at the question, the cogs of your mind start to turn, you think, Wait a minute, I am going to die, and this man is asking me for my soul? And he looks serious, he must want it for some reason, why, who is he? I guarantee you that at that moment, any athiest or agnostic on this planet is going to turn to that man and tell him no! What is that to say? Its to say that under the right circumstances, even the most staunch agnostic or athiest is going to believe there is a God with all his or her heart! Even the ulitmate Athiest, Vladimir Lennon, the man who bannished all religion from Russia and introduced communism to the world, the man who had people killed for reading a bible, died. This is a fact, after being an athiest his whole life, his very last words were, Oh God, I see God and then he let out his last breath. So, how much is money really worth? Would you give everything you have to spend five minutes with someone you love who died? Are the love of a family, air, water, life, time, all things we hold common every day and take for granted? Is it worth it to waste time on meaningless things? Have you told your family how much you love them? I suggest telling them every chance you get, take the time to look them in the eyes and tell your wife you love her, tell your kids you love them, just as if it is your last chance. I watched an amazing show years ago, in fact, I doubt anyone reading this watched the show, and if they did, I doubt they paid attention to it or remember it. It was a Thanksgiving special hosted by Katy Couric called, The Search for Happiness. In the show, she stated that she was going to interview the greatest people of our time from all walks of life, Mandella, Catholic Bishops, Sociologists, Scientists, famous people, religious leaders from all religions, poor people, rich people, etc. She began talking to people from all walks of life, she asked them what made them happy, there were many people involved in her research that didnt even make it onto the show. She asked if it were money, family, food, spiritual peace, accomplishment, health, and everything else under the sun. It was none of these, and the answer surprised even me. The answer to what made people happy, after all her and her teams research, was this: Gratitude! Having a grateful heart and being grateful in all things, even in the worst of things, is at the root of happiness. The Poor, the famous, the rich, the blessed, the annointed, the peaceful, the people in pain, the answer transcended all of them, the happiest people on the planet were the people who were grateful for what they had, even if all they had were the clothes on their back. Are you grateful? Are you happy? Look at your husband, or wife and be grateful, look at your children and be grateful, look at your house, your job, your health, your water, your food, your life, and be grateful! I hope there was something in this reading for you, and I am grateful for the time you took to read it.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:56:54 +0000

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