The Hunger Games: Is that the next Game that will be played - TopicsExpress


The Hunger Games: Is that the next Game that will be played against US by the Elite Globalists? I recently watched New World Order Video which showed Dr Henry Kissinger, should be called Dr Death, saying a way to control a Nation is to control the food. The Video then showed Monsanto. Does it have something to do with all the Chem Trails over Fresno?, The breadbasket to the World that was devastated by Economic Collapse. Another one Coming Soon? I always wondered why I am livng in one of the poorest areas of the Country, when we are the richest in Food. Problem is, we need Water to grow anything. Also, Coming Soon? Of course, the Americans living the Life Of Illusion line up at the Box Office to watch Hunger Games, just like they do for all the Illuminati End Games on the Big Screen these days. Will it be Food Lines they will be standing in next? Until, they cant stand no more? Who knows? Everything is a Secret. When forced to talk, they Lie. The Klan of Psychopaths and Pedophiles of the Royal Family of War Pig Bankster Brainwashing Murdering Liars. Its a mouthful, fits The Hunger Games. I believe the true God has seen and hear enough of their Scripts which are about to be played out as Reality TV on their New World Order News Channels. Tragic Events make Great News and thats why they create them. Just like they create the Movies that predict the future Tragic Events. Wake Up! Its not if, its when. Our days are numbered. The Writing is on The Wall. We can not live another day under Secrets and Lies. I believe we have a circle of Elite Secret Societys who are planning to Control the last thing left in our Country to Control, The People. History shows if they cant Control, they Kill. Are we the next Chapter in History Books? They need to be re-written anyways, if the Truth is not told now. The Revolutionary War needs to be wiped off the Books. The very people who we Declared our Independence from in 1776, Rule our Country today. Shh, its suppose to be a Secret. Its the same people who have their Scripts written for them. The Elite with all the Money. Money, or the love of, is the root of all evil. Money is also called Script. I believe all the End of the World Movies are a Survey to see which one we want to live out, if they cant Control US. But, God knows all. He will send his only Son back to foil their Plot but that means The People failed the Test of Time. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Turth or The End. Stand and demand the Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order as I believe the Truth leads to high places. RIght up the Illuminati Pyramid. I can only hope and pray that the Base of Pyramid realizes what they have gotten themselves into and start blowing the whistle. I believe they are supporting the Evil People at the top of Pyramid to carry out the Script of the Illuminati End Game. The Top of the Pyramid, playing the Role of God. Its the Game to End all Games. Life is not a Game, its a Creation of the true God. SInce the Evil Elite dont know what the word true means, most practice Satanic Rituals. I believe their End Game has the Satanic Ritual to End all Satanic Riturals in it. The Grand Finale is a real Revelation. The Chosen Ones live while the rest of US die standing at the side of Israel under Secrets and Lies. It could happen tomorow. If anyone knows people tied up in the Illuminati Pyramid Scheme, please let them know what they have gotten themselves into, Ask if they are a Chosen One. Youre not. This is not a Joke. This is Life. This is not Politics. This is Life. This is not Religion, This is Life. Or, lack of, if the Truth is not told now. Anyone willing and able to kill a million innocent people tied to 9/11 and Wars, based on it, are willing able to do anything and everything. Including, killing all of US. Once you kill a million, whats 350 more? Then, they can continue to spread their love to every other Country. America is the last stand before the Globalist own and control everything. Including, The People. Peace. See my entire faceook page, its my Book - Change 2013.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:13:45 +0000

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