The Hunt for Squirrelie ~ Part 14 **Last time, the girls leaped - TopicsExpress


The Hunt for Squirrelie ~ Part 14 **Last time, the girls leaped out of the helicopter to go search for squirrelie. Airman Daniels and Capt Morgan were left behind as the monster attacked the helicopter, luckily, neither was hurt. Airman Daniels and Capt Morgan gathered supplies to go off and find the girls** Capt Morgan: I’m not finding anything to let us know the girls came this way, are you? Airman Daniels: No, I’m not either. It appeared they did travel in this direction but they are dogs and could have gone anywhere, if they are still together and didn’t split up or get split up Capt Morgan: WARRIOR…….LIBERTY…….GIRLS? WHERE ARE YOU? **Mean while off in the distance, the girls are still on the hunt but are getting tired** Warrior: wees habn’t seen or found anyfings yet. Are wees gonna keep goin or should we find a place to sleep? Liberty: I’m getting pretty tired myself Warrior. Let’s try and find someplace safe we can take a nap **Just then, the girls hear something way off in the distance** Warrior: what was dat? Liberty: shhhh, listen. It sounds almost like a dog crying out **The girls wait and listen, trying to figure out what the noise is and where it’s coming from. They walk towards the noise only to discover it’s a howl for help** Liberty: Warrior!!! That’s Willow and she’s is howling for help Warrior: it is! It is Willow! Liberty: be quiet so we can hear what she is saying **Silence falls as the girls continue to listen. Soon they realize what Willow is howling out to them and it is very dismal** Liberty: did you hear her? Warrior: yes I did. Did she say what I fink she said???? Liberty: she did. Let’s go, no time to sleep now. Willow seen the monster taking baby hedgie Warrior: wait, hold on. Willow seen da monster and she seen it take baby hedgie so she might habs seen which direction it went in. let’s see if we can howl back to her for her to hear and ask if she seen which way it went? Liberty: good idea **Both girls howl out back to Willow in hopes she will hear them asking her which way the monster went** Warrior: yous fink she heard us? Liberty: we were really loud so let’s hope she did **The girls wait anxiously for Willow to reply but she never did** Warrior: she’s not howlin back, what happened? Liberty: I don’t know, mom might have taken her in because of her howling Warrior: now what are wees gonna do? If wees knew what way da monster went dens wees could find it wif baby hedgie and maybe squirrelie too but dere are too many cabes up here Liberty: we’re just going to have to keep our ears open and listen as we keep going **Just then, the girls hear noises, twigs and branches breaking with whatever it was coming closer to them** Warrior: *whispering* Liberty, we need to hide and fast. Let’s go behind dat big rock obers dere, maybe it’s da monster coming fru wif baby hedgie Liberty: ok but walk very carefully and don’t step on anything that will break or make noise **The girls go off to hide behind a huge rock awaiting the monster to come thru so they can see where it goes** Capt Morgan: GIRLS………LIBERTY………WARRIOR….. Airman Daniels: We still aren’t seeing anything, no sign of them any where Capt Morgan: Those girls are very smart, street smart so I have not given up **The girls hear something they can’t quite make out and get even more scared** Liberty: what do you think that is? Warrior: don’t know but it sounds like more dens one. Do yous finks dere is more monsters up here? Liberty: anything is possible **The noises get closer and Warrior peeks over the rock to see and then jumps out without telling Liberty** Warrior: OMD Airman Daniels!!! Capt Morgan!!!! How did yous find us? Liberty: why didn’t you tell me the guys found us Warrior? So very glad you both found us and we have some news Capt Morgan: Why did you both jump out of the helicopter? Do you realize how much danger you are in and have put yourselves in to? We seen the monster, it attacked the helicopter right after you both took off so it might be on your trail Liberty: WAIT!!!!!! Willow howled out to let us know she seen the monster and it took baby hedgie. We have been trying to howl back to her to find out which way the monster went but we haven’t heard anything back from her in a while **As the group talks and makes a plan they hear a howl, Willow busted thru the doggie door to let them know which way the monster went** Warrior: we habs to go dis way. Come on **The group stays close to one another and heads off in the direction Willow told them to go. Along the way as they get closer, they start to see skeletons and a stench so foul it was unbearable** Capt Morgan: Ok, no matter what, we all stay close to one another. The foul odor is getting stronger from that cave over there so I do believe that is where the monster is **Warrior and Liberty look at each other with the look of planning something** Airman Daniels: Girls, don’t even think it, I see the look on your faces and this is not something you two can do by yourselves. Please stay with us, you are putting yourselves in grave danger **Warrior and Liberty take off and storm the cave. They run right into darkness, unable to see anything** Stay tuned next week for the continuing. Will the girls find squirrelie and baby hedgie? Will the girls make it out or did they just make a huge mistake? What are Capt Morgan and Airman Daniels planning and will they get to the girls in time?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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