The Hypocrisy Award Goes To. . . Much was made of the - TopicsExpress


The Hypocrisy Award Goes To. . . Much was made of the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas at the Paris march. Commentators suggested it was a hopeful sign of possible reconciliation. No, it was not. Netanyahu had every right to march. He has been warning Europe and America for years that militant Islamism presents a threat to us all. His nation is literally surrounded by jihadists like those responsible for the Paris carnage. The tunnels built out of Gaza into Israel were intended to launch attacks that would have made the Paris shootings look insignificant. The real hypocrisy was the presence of Mahmoud Abbas at the march. He constantly incites terror against Israeli civilians. His Palestinian Authority names streets after the same kind of murderers that struck in Paris. Abbas participation in the march against terror was obscene.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:45:21 +0000

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