The I Release Resistance Meditative Movement - Free Challenge - - TopicsExpress


The I Release Resistance Meditative Movement - Free Challenge - 4th Movement When we start affirming our intrinsic worth, we may experience inner resistance. We practice Meditative Movements so we can uncover the beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve our highest good. For example, if a belief that you learned in your younger years was that life or others dont support you, then expect to feel resistance when you state the affirmation, I am supported. It is important to embrace any resistance messages that show up. If they exist within you, they want to arise so you can let them go. As they say, dont shoot the messenger. My experience is that outside painful circumstances continue to occur until I honor what has happened in my past. Once the thoughts are heard and acknowledged, I can let go of my attachment to the thought and let love heal me. This excerpt is from the Empowering Energy book and was written by (Earnie Larsen & Carol Larsen Hegarty). Children see with the eyes of children and think with children’s minds. They don’t have much experience, after all. When we felt unloved, we didn’t have the sophistication to wonder whether our parents loved themselves. We didn’t have any way of knowing that loving has more to do with the capacity of the giver than it does with the deservedness of the receiver. Children don’t reason that way. “If you don’t hold me,” we assumed, “it must be that I am not holdable. Other kids are loved. The fault must be with me.” We are not children now. As we mature, we can gain the insight to understand, to take responsibility for sorting out what was from what is. We can ask for support when we need it. Now we know there wasn’t anything wrong with us. Not back then, and not now. Knowing this, we are able to forgive and let go--to move on. We deserve to be loved, just as we always did. We don’t have to think with the mind of a child anymore. I will develop my ability to love and be loved by associating with people who are capable of love.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:05:00 +0000

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