The IADA Executive members involved with fisheries protection and - TopicsExpress


The IADA Executive members involved with fisheries protection and development have met to discuss the on going issue of illegal taking, killing and removal of fish throughout the island of Ireland. One of our initiatives resulted in the call up of a substantial unaligned group containing mostly anglers of Lithuanian origin and other eastern European nationalities. A consensus was reached with an agreed report following a meeting in Dublin and many hours of interaction at executive level. It is the stated and strongly felt view of the IADA that no angler involved in the harming, killing or taking of fish will be tolerated or allowed to remain in any of our affiliate clubs or groups. IADA fully and completely subscribes to the view that a Catch & Release policy is the only way forward if this reprehensible activity is to be eradicated. The full report of our meeting with a strong and articulate representation of the non-national angling interest is outlined here under.Organisations come together to combat Illegal Angling Activity. The chairman of the IASC club Giedrius Savickas and two of the IADA executive committee including the chairman Richard Caplice met in Dublin in the past few days to discuss, how best to address the ongoing problem of Illegal taking of fish (All Species) on a National basis. A Joint statement was issued following many hours of discussion and review of horrific Social media footage and photographs of mainly Non national men, in the act of taking, retaining and ill treating hundreds of Fish, of all species. The statement is as follows. The Committees and membership of the Irish Angling Development Alliance and The International Angling Social Club are deeply concerned and spurred to further action by the alarming scenes of illegal and gratuitous destruction, of large numbers of fish of all species, still ongoing in this country, despite our best efforts to curb this alien and repulsive practice. We together wish to express our profound abhorrence and grave objection to this practice and will together, endeavour to finally bring it to an end. Cause of the Fish mishandling and killing problem. None or little knowledge of Legislation surrounding the catching and taking of fish. Lack of clear defined rules and regulations in the various languages. Culturally different approach to the taking and consumption of Coarse fish especially pike. Ignorance of the laws relating to Angling in Ireland. And finally, disregard for the laws relating to angling in Ireland. Action plan: All anglers irrespective of Nationality are obliged by law to adhere to the following minimum requirements: No more than two rods to be used whilst fishing for Coarse fish and Pike. Coarse fish and Pike may be caught only, using Rod and line. No other engine, device, net or line is permitted in law. Do not use live bait, since the use of live bait is barbaric and illegal. Rods properly baited to be attended, at all times. Abide by catch and release policy, which is now the fervent desire of almost all humane anglers and conservation aware groups and clubs. It is otherwise permitted in law to take 4 fish of less than 25 centimetres in length. It is otherwise permitted in law to take, one only, pike of less than 50 centimetres in length. The Irish Angling Development Alliance, together with all relevant Angling Federations, has been heavily involved in discussions with Inland fisheries Ireland over the past 18 months, in trying to influence legislation change, in this very area, with some large degree of optimism for a positive outcome. Please use our new confidential whistleblowers site to report all occasions of pollution, misconduct and illegal activity in absolute confidence.(Chairman of both organisations only have access) This will allow us to record details on habitual offenders, many of whom are already on a log being kept, on known and admitted wrongdoers. Direct contact with offenders if unsuccessful, will be followed by name and shame and this, if unsuccessful, will be followed by full recourse to the law. The contents of this report will be posted in the following languages, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Romanian and English on a vast array of Social media outlets, in the National papers of all of the nationalities and on the websites and face book pages of the relevant organisations. It is also being sent to the Angling media in Ireland and the UK. Extensive research by the two groups have identified in excess of 40 persons habitually breaching Fisheries legislation in recent months and a private, confidential log will be maintained, with a view to involving Fisheries protection staff North and South, the Garda Síochána and the PSNI as appropriate, should the individual offenders persist. Richard Caplice IADA Giedrius Savickas IASC club.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 22:20:52 +0000

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