The IGNITE Conference offers you total business and personal - TopicsExpress


The IGNITE Conference offers you total business and personal transformation. Now that might sound a little extreme but lets be honest there is no reason to spend two days at any event unless you can expect to leave transformed. We have handpicked our speakers to offer something for everyone from the woman who is in her own business, the business speculator or the corporate climber who wants to understand how to move ahead of the pack. Our Inspire speakers like Lisa Wilkinson (Channel 9 Today Show) share how to work within the corporate structure and yet still develop a personal brand, how you move in industries like media from Editor to Co-host of the highest rated morning show. All this with a family and a vision of giving back through mentoring. Claudia Chan Shaw is a successful businesswoman across several platforms. Have you ever thought about being able to do all the things you love and succeed at all of them? Contrary to popular belief it is possible and Claudia is proof of this. We think that most of the markets today are saturated but are they? Can you build a better and more innovative business than the competition? Lisa Messenger shows us how you take a print publication in an environment that predicts doom and create it into a publication that is relevant and growing and then to think even bigger and move towards your vision. Sharon Williams is an industry powerhouse having been in the Marketing business for 18 years. She shows us how to adapt to stay ahead and how to build something that is sustainable. When you consider launching a business idea do you ever think if your business will still be relevant in 40 years time? Plus She offers some tips that are business gold and you need to know them to succeed. Mia Feasey started with little knowledge in her chosen field of Commercial Interior Design and it was considered a man’s world to boot. Too often we stop ourselves from making the leap because we think we lack skills, education, money. Well Mia works with business that include Facebook and the top banks and businesses in Australia and Singapore and she never started with any of the things you think are important. She is a success story that is based on total belief in herself she shares this mindset to set your dreams on fire. Vintage is a word that most people use loosely and is embraced by fashion lovers however what about other products that come from the past. The iconic Florence Broadhurst was a designer that broke all the gender rules. Helen Lennie and her partner recognised a true Australian brand that could be reinvented and Helen has marketed this Signature Fabric Brand around the world. It is now stocked in 23 countries. A success story to note and a dynamic woman to listen to. So you too can claim the past and plan for the future. When we talk about business education we mean an understanding of how business works. It is no good simply understanding one area of business and hoping for the best with the rest. You will need to build a brand that you can market and sell online and Heather Porter who did her time working for some of the top business performers in the world like Anthony Robbins knows exactly how to help you promote your business through automating content and how to create the right content to drive your database. Without the right mindset creating a successful sustainable business is going to be very tricky. In fact in some cases downright impossible. You cannot connect with people if you are unable to connect with yourself and fear and guilt stops us in our tracks, it lies to us about what we can achieve and it undermines our dreams. Debbie Spellman helps us create a powerful and authentic self that fosters true connection across all relationships. She helps to create positive women who are empowered with self worth and a future that is joyful and extraordinary. There is no point in a great product or service if you can’t sell it? Fear around selling in many cases stops us from even trying. How many of you have said I can do everything in my business but I just can’t sell? Well Annette Lackovic a sales guru will let you know that selling is Dead whew! So then if this is the case what takes its place? Money is a dirty word to some and to others it is something we don’t show or talk about. How is it then that you are meant to understand it? Money works for you so it is time to get comfortable with it because when you transform your business you are going to be making lots of it. Barbara Turley lead a corporate finance life that was challenging and successful, she talks the 7 steps to financial freedom and yes you need to plan in order to make lots of money. We have all had those moments when we look at someone in a work environment and think “Can I take her seriously” the brilliant brain in front of you is wearing a pair of ripped Jeans with thongs and a tatty handbag and her phone has a ring like a chicken. Well it is the same as when you walk into the lawyer’s office and they ask you to use the back stairs. You have already made up your mind to get the hell out of there. So too is the mind spin when you are faced with the businesswomen who forgot that she is in fact her business brand. Sometimes it is scary to try to look good but if you are going to present yourself it needs to be your best self from the beginning. Marina Passalaris is going to share her tips on how to create the best personal brand from corporate headshots to the right foundation. So with how to look good taken care of we need to consider how to sound impressive. We take a deep breath and we leap into the art of delivering the perfect pitch and no I don’t mean at a screeching level because fear is pushing up the volume. I mean standing like you own the room and delivering a beautiful work of verbal art. Mariette Rups Donnelly is going to show us how to stand, breathe and deliver. So when you are faced with that one moment to deliver your business pitch for Capital Investment or as a possible joint venture opportunity or when you are selling your service or product you can create a level of confidence that is impressive. Do you wonder what will happen to your business and to your legacy when you are no longer around? When we launch our brands is it worth considering what those brands say about us as people and what they say to the world. Are we planning for a way to leave the world a better place or are we today’s children embracing the throw away vision of less care more money? Brooke Alexander is a great speaker and an emotive advocate for legacy creation. Still don’t understand it then you need to come and listen to her and be blown away. If you are going to succeed then you will most likely fail many times as part of this process. The talented artist, musician and creative individual know what that feels like. But lets be honest it happens to all of us. If you are using a talent to create your business dream like Bec Jensen who is a fantastic singer songwriter then you may feel it more. Last year she was rejected from the Voice in front of a massive television audience but do you think this has stopped her. No, Bec is dedicated to her craft and has developed an independent career. She is inspirational and driven and we may be lucky enough to hear her sing at the IGNITE Conference. So as you can see the IGNITE conference offers something for everyone and is jam packed full of inspiration and education. Some sensational entertainment and the opportunity to connect with women who can become part of your DREAM TEAM a word I coined at the Success Goddess Seminars. When you build your team and I will explore this theme further at the Conference, consider these people to be the building blocks of your business. The strength for the walls, the encouraging for the doors, the mentors for the vision through the windows. The lovers for when you need to feel safe and the energy givers for the fire that will IGNITE your passion, drive you forward, fire up your sense of self. When you have the perfect Dream Team they will ultimately walk along side you on the exciting journey that is your business and personal life and they will applaud loudly as you succeed remarkably. I can’t wait to meet you at this incredible conference. Natascha Moy Founder Girlpower Goddess
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:42:48 +0000

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