The Icy Cold Room© By Dot Sutton © -Moon© 2-dec-06 The house - TopicsExpress


The Icy Cold Room© By Dot Sutton © -Moon© 2-dec-06 The house was built and was now ready for the owners to move into; they had four young children Susan age six, Joe age eight, Sally age ten and Hank age twelve. It was a bitter cold day but the family was well off, Hilda was the children’s step-mother and was good with the children but only when her husband was home. Her husband Teddy had to work away some times for three months at a time, he knew nothing about his wife going with other men. He came home after being away for four months as it took longer for the job to do, he ask for the children as he loved them dearly. I will go and get them for you Hilda said as they are playing and it will be a nice surprise seeing you home again. They came running into the front room to their father, he gave each child a present he brought them back, and then Hilda went into the kitchen to start cooking dinner for them all. Teddy asks the children how they have been while he was away. They told him how Hilda took them out on a Saturday and Sunday, we went to the café on Saturday and the park on Sunday and Hilda even took us to the fair Sally told him, we had a great time daddy. That is good Teddy replied and I am so happy you all get on fine, then when he went to give little Susan a hug and she cried out in pain. He looked at her arm and knew it was broken, he took her to the hospital and she told them how she was climbing and fell down, she didn’t tell anyone in case she got into trouble for it. There you go young lady the doctor said with a smile on his face, and no more climbing I won’t she reply, then put her little hand in the hand of her father. How is she? Hilda asked as they came back and he told her it was broken as she had been climbing. Oh dear, what will we do with you Hilda answered with a smile, maybe that will stop you now. It was near Christmas and Teddy was away again but promises to be back two days before Christmas Eve. He came home unexpectedly and saw a man driving away from his house, he asks Hilda who he was and she told him it was her brother whom he has not met. Invite him to stay with us Teddy told her then I can get to know him. This made her panic because she knew as soon Teddy sees his face; he will know what she’s been doing. She went out while the children were talking to him, then came back five minutes later and started on their dinner. The phone rang and he told her he had to go out as one of his workers was in trouble. Half way around the bend on a steep hill, his car began to go faster and faster, he went right off the edge and the car hit the bottom of the steep hill. Another car was coming the other way and saw it all, he phoned the police right away and told them what happened. The police went to see Hilda and told her about the crash and the children started crying as they knew their father would not be there for Christmas with them. A few months later the solicitor read the will out and everything was left to the children, Hilda got nothing but was allowed to get money for their up-keep. The solicitor then read out another letter where Teddy had written how he found out what his wife was up to with other men and then he changed the will leaving her nothing, it on went to say that should anything happen to the children, all monies was to go to the hospitals. It was after young Susan’s seventh birthday when Hilda told them there was no money left as their father didn‘t leave a great of money, I will have to find homes for you all as I cannot keep you all, but of course this was all lies. Hilda came down with the flu and one of her friends said they’d take the children until she was better. It was three weeks later when she asks where are the children? They are so happy where they are he told her, it would be a shame to up root them now as you wanted to find good homes for them and I found one where they are together. Three years went by and Hilda sold the house as the dining room was became icy cold twelve months after the children had left and no matter what she did to heat it up it remained icy cold of a night time. Hilda sold the house as it was in joint names and Teddy forgot to change that. She bought a smaller house and was having a great time by having parties as she was well off now with the money from the other house parties she knew now where the children were and it didn’t even bother her about them. The young couple who bought the house did not live there too long as their friends wouldn’t stay in the dining room where they would all eat because it was too cold in there, so they sold it too. This went on for years until it stood alone, and began to fall to pieces, windows were broken by a few lads, and bricks were missing too. A very wealthy man bought the old house and turned it into apartments, he was making a lot of money out of it too but he was a kind man and landlord. Some tenants on the top floor had young children, but whenever anything went wrong Toby, the landlord would send his work men to fix it right away as he was that kind of a man. The woman was sitting in her old flat when they were all told they had to get out, she is now living in the new apartment on the ground floor and she loved it but noticed how cold it was in the spare bedroom but would be warm of a day time. Her friend told her how cold it is in her bedroom, and she told her it is very hot in there of a day time and I have to leaves the window open to cool it, but it does go very cold at night and I cannot understand why. She spoke to Toby telling him how she puts a friend up for the night in her two bed roomed apartment and how its icy cold in there of a night time only but is very hot of a day time, she told him she leaves the window open to keep the room cool. I cannot do anything about it he told her as I have had a few complaints about that room and nothing was ever found wrong with it or the reason why it goes too cold at night. The women then made arrangements to stay a night with her friend so they can carry on with their Saturdays of going for a coffee. Then one day she and her friends were talking to others of the group and she told them about the room when one of them said, I know why your room is icy cold. She looked at him saying very funny, because if my landlord doesn’t know why, then I am sure you don’t either. Oh but I do he answered as it is being haunted, and she started laughing saying, now I know you’re off your rocker. Ok! If you don’t want to listen to what I know, then I won’t tell you, he replied. Oh go on then, tell us she said, or I will be thinking all night long about it. It IS being haunted by three young children who died there he told them, the brothers and sisters were taken from their home and put a workhouse etc. They were treated very badly and were sometimes beaten by other children older than them. This went on for twelve months and the older boy Hank escaped from there and went to the police telling them everything but unfortunately, the one he told was a brother of the owner and the boy was sent away so he couldn’t tell anyone else. But he escaped from there too and went back to save his family but then saw how ill they were looking, but he got them out and took them home where they died. Hank buried them in the basement then went looking for his step-mother, it didn’t take him long to find out where she is living, he got in through an open window and found her in bed with two men. She was not happy seeing a young boy standing there watching them, she picked up the phone but it was dead. The men got dressed then ran out when Hank shouted, why you helped to kill my family. What are you talking about? She yelled and who are you anyway coming here, spying on us she cried? She went for the boy but because of all the heavy work he’d done for twelve months, she found he was a very strong boy, he hit her on the back of the head and everything went dark for her. When she opened her eyes and saw where she was she cried out for help and he told her to shout or scream all she wants, as no one would hear her. Why did you kill my family? He asks her. I have no idea what you’re talking about as I don’t even know you she said, at least take me into another room as this one is icy cold. Oh yes you do, because it was you who messed around with the car breaks he answered, it was you who hit out at us and I am not moving you into another room as this will do just fine. I am sorry young lad but I don’t know what you’re talking about she told him. I guess you will say next that you don’t know Sally, Joe, Susan and Hank he said. How do you know them? She asks him. We were all in the same place he told her where unwanted kids are put to do all the dirty hard work, and all they got out of it, was very little food, bedding and a beating. Now I see it all she cried, you got to know them and about the money left for them so here you are, I guess you will try and blackmail me. I have no reason to do that he told her, but I have come for something from you. And what may I ask is that? She asks him. I have come to make you pay for what you have done to my family and my father he replied, I will sit here and watch you suffer until the day you die. But who are you? She cried out, I don’t know you, so how could I have hurt your family? He looked at her as the tears ran down her face, he had no pity for her as she gave none to his family then he told her, I am Hank. The woman died of starvation and Hank dragged her outside and buried her in the garden, as he went back inside he fell over, and never got up again. The children couldn’t rest and they began to haunt the room where they buried and it’s been haunted ever since because Hank died before he could tell anyone where his family was. That would make a good ghost story the woman said, so why not tell it on Halloweens night. But tell me what has the house got to do with one of my bedrooms being icy cold? She asks. And I bet you’re going to say that one of my bedrooms is where Hank died, the woman said and that it’s him haunting it, am I right? He looked at saying had you have bet money on that, you would have lost, it’s not Hank who is haunting the place, it’s his brother and sisters as they want to be with him. Hank died in the hall way where a tramp found him and reported it, Hank was then buried with his father when they found out who he was he answered and all the other three children want, is to be with their father and brother. The house that has been turned into apartments is the house that their father had built for them all those years ago, the one that his second wife sold and died in too. I am asking you if you will help to set them free and let them go in peace he said. Oh! But how can anyone do that if they died a long time ago? She said. You are on the ground floor and the basement is right under your spare bed room floor, it is where the three bodies are lying he replied, you must help in some way to set them free and help them to go to their brother. He got up and walked out leaving the friends watching him. She made the phone call and Toby got his men to start the work, they soon found the skeletons of the three children, they were buried in the same plot as their brother and their father. The room began to feel warm once again and her friends stayed saying how warm it is in that room. She stood at the graveside of the four young children and said aloud, you are together again little ones, I hope you find peace now as you deserve it. They do indeed a voice answered behind her. Oh! You’re back again she cried and you made me jump, now I bet you’re going to change into a young boy and tell me you are Hank, am I right? He laughed saying had you have bet money on that, you would have lost, again. He began to slowly disappear saying thank you for freeing them all but no, I am not Hank, I am their father. The End
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 19:17:08 +0000

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