The Ideal Filipino Values Today many of Filipinos are not - TopicsExpress


The Ideal Filipino Values Today many of Filipinos are not using or applying Filipino values on their daily life because many of us influenced by the modern era. Even those people who are in the ages of 50’s up to 60’s in the way they dress, the way they talk and even the way they treat their children. Some of our grandparents still implementing the Filipino values in their daily life because they are the one who are most influenced by our ancestors. To understand and to learn more about Filipino values the things that we need to consider are: What is the meaning of values? What is the importance of values? What are the ideal Filipino values that can help us? What are the Filipino values that we need to forgot and we don’t need to apply in our daily life that can affect our beliefs and the world we live in? Values are those attitudes, beliefs and traits that were doing in our daily life that we inherent by our ancestors. It comes from the Greek word “valere” meaning strong and vigorous. Are concepts which we use as points of reference or criteria for recognizing, expressing and evaluating social realities in the environment in terms of their importance and usefulness (Jocano 2000). For me it means that it is the big factor that affects our personality in how we treat the people, the way we express ourselves and how we apply it in our own way of life. The importance of values are it can help to improve ourselves, to understand ourselves, to be known and recognize by the other country, to discover the good and even the bad things about the Filipinos. Some of the common Filipino traits or values are being hospitable, have respect to elders, close to the family, loyalty, curiousity, good pakikisama or brotherhood, have faith in God or regionalistic, loves to say “bahala na” , “utang na loob”, “bayanihan” , and a big fan of superstitious beliefs . The Filipinos are best known for being hospitable. According to the different experience of the foreigner who visited our country, they are always saying good things about us. In how we treat them, the way we talk to them, and also how we welcomed them in our home and even in our country. Good example on that is our tourist guide. Some of the citizens of other country want to visit our country not just because of the beautiful and amazing tourists spot. It is also because of our tourist guide who entertained them, who make them laugh, also with the tourist guide they can learn more about our country and the good treatment they experienced with them. That is why tourist guide is a good example of hospitality. We also popular for having a respect to elders, here in our country we treat the person who eldest from us in a good way. We are using “po” and “opo” when we are following their command, when we are answering their questions and putting the hand of our grandparents in our forehead. If there is something we need to know about the one who are eldest from us is the person we consult like our parents and grandparents because we think that they are the one who can give the better answer in our question and solutions in our problems. Listening to their advice it is also show respect from them. Being loyal and curious is also good Filipino values, when you are loyal you can receive trust to the people around you and they will be honest to you. When you are curious you want to know everything about people, places and things that catch your attention and you can discover great and interesting things that can make your curiosity improved. Sometimes loyalty and curiosity can cause bad things because when you are loyal and curious to one person you will do anything just to follow and to know lot of things about them even if it bad. Being close to the family is another Filipino values that we are known for because we will do anything for our family. Many of us serve our family as an inspiration, to reach our goals and ambitions in our life. Being close to the family is a good example of “pakikisama” or brotherhood, when you are close to your family it is easily for you to communicate to other people and to have friends because in your home you already experienced to have a good camaraderie. Believing in God is one of the Filipino values that I think will remain forever because God is the creator of the world and we have faith for him. We pray to him, as for his guidance and we believe that God is our savior in any problem that comes in our life. We also believe in the statement “nasa diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa” for us don’t just pray and wish, do it to make it real and to reach your goals. Some of us just praying but they are not moving or doing anything to make it happen. That is why it will result a lazy people who just believe in God help. The word” bahala na” is not a good values of Filipinos because the person who are always saying it are those persons who believe on their luck. Many of the Filipinos use this term because sometimes they think that there is no solution on their problems in their life. The word “utang na loob” is the term of the Filipinos that cause of being shy, when you have “utang na loob” or gratitude of debt you are willing to do everything to thank the person who help you and who give you a big favor. The “bayanihan” is one of the great values of the Filipino because it can build a good relationship to each other. It refers to help other people like helping your neighbors when they are going to build their house, if there is a marriage and even if there is someone who fast away in one of the member of the family. Today this values is still being implemented because some of the people in other provinces still doing this like in Central Visayas, Mindanao and even here in Laguna but not all places like NCR because most the people there are not familiar with each other. Superstitious beliefs is the Filipino values that is not so good because the people depends on it and it can their daily way of life. Like when we saw a black cat on the road you going to have a bad luck. Another is when you sweep the floor at the night the good luck moved out or go away. So when we are going to believe this belief it can affect a lot in our way of life. Our ideal Filipino values can result a good and bad things to us. It is good if we are going to implement those good values like hospitality, being close to the family, respect the elders, loyalty, curiosity, good camaraderie, have faith in God and helping each other. We can also implement superstitious beliefs and “bahala na” in a good way don’t depend on wheel of fortune, good luck and bad luck. Filipino values also have a big part in our personality, how we treat people, our opinions in life, goals and even how we wear our pants, shirts, dresses and the way we express ourselves. It is also develop our skills and physical appearance. In short who and what we are now one of the biggest part are the ideal Filipino values. This is also a gift from our ancestors so we must treasure it and keep it. It is depend on us how we are going to implement it in our life.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:56:34 +0000

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