The Illuminati Order There are only 6,000 members of the - TopicsExpress


The Illuminati Order There are only 6,000 members of the Illuminati: fewer than one in a million in a world population of some six and a half billion people. In a city like London, there are only eight members. Many people, when they imagine a secret society, picture something along the lines of Freemasonry, with Masonic lodges in every major town and regular meetings involving a large number of people. The Illuminati offer nothing of that kind. Meetings are infrequent. Special locations are selected for small gatherings and these change every year (they are always connected with locations across the world that have played critical and fateful parts in the history of the Illuminati). Many members have to expend a great effort in terms of travel, expense and their time to get to the chosen meeting place. The occasions are highly dramatic and spine tingling, as they must be when great religious mysteries are revealed. The Illuminati Order is not something you join for the sake of joining, not something that exists to give you status or a secret identity to make you feel good about yourself, or to allow you to solve the puzzle of life in the manner of an amateur mathematician or a detective. Joining the Illuminati is a transformative experience. Neither money, status, celebrity, fame, prestige, nor any other of the golden attributes of our shallow, materialistic and consumerist society can secure a person admission to the Illuminati. Equally, many good and honourable people who have many of the right qualities we look for are also unable to join since they are simply not ready in terms of the criteria we apply. This means that the Illuminati miss out on many talented people. The Illuminati have always got round this problem in this past by creating new secret societies and orders that are based on many, but not all, of the principles of the Illuminati. These other organisations have less restrictive admission criteria, recruit many more members and evolve in their own way. Freemasonry was the creation of the Illuminati, but it must be emphasised that the Illuminati did not run Freemasonry. A few of the original Grand Masters were members of the Illuminati but because the number of Freemasons rapidly outstripped the total membership of the Illuminati, Freemasonry soon changed in character. Undesirables infiltrated it and the Illuminati lost control, with the disastrous consequences that are now apparent. Contemporary Freemasonry is an obscenity, a grotesque insult to the ideals on which it was founded. Whereas the original Freemasons were anti-establishment, determined to work against false religions, arrogant nobles and tyrannical kings, modern Masons are the central pillars of the oppressive regimes they once opposed. Freemasonry has been turned on its head. The Illuminati have thought long and hard about why Freemasonry failed so spectacularly and became the primary weapon of the Old World Order to maintain its power, wealth and privileges indefinitely. Can something along the lines of the original vision of Freemasonry be reborn, without falling victim to the same dismal fate? The Illuminati have decided that the time has come for a new attempt, an addition to the historical Illuminati Network that has been described elsewhere on this site, one that has learned from all the problems and flaws of the past, one that, most importantly of all, relies on you. This is your chance to be part of the great chain of history, part of the age-old resistance to the Old World Order, part of the great endeavour to build the utopia humanity has always craved. (The Old World Order is not vast. Like the Illuminati, it has only about 6,000 members - thats all that stands between the world and freedom.) The new secret society will be given the simplest and broadest possible name: the Movement. This will be a secret society like no other because you will be responsible for its creation and even its secrets. It will be an internet-based, grassroots movement designed to demonstrate the incredible creativity and brilliance of ordinary people. It will be based on the concept of crowdsourcing: using an army of volunteers, interacting and cooperating with one another, to provide the answer to a problem. (Wikipedia is a classic example.) Crowdsourcing can unleash the power of the people. Men and women from all walks of life and all disciplines can collaborate to solve seemingly intractable problems. More often than not, they pour their hearts, souls and time into solving the problems. They show remarkable creativity and innovation. Wondrous, unexpected results can emerge…the most powerful alchemy imaginable. Many people on YouTube spend days and weeks perfecting humorous little projects to entertain their friends. Instead of having a laugh, why dont they put the same energy and passion into changing the world and overthrowing the Power Elite? Above all else, the Illuminati wish to release the limitless potential of the people in a huge outpouring of breathtaking creativity. And from that process, humanitys collective divine spark will be liberated. The Movement consists of four interrelated elements covering religion, politics, activism and psychology. 1) A New Religion Imagine a clean slate for religion. No bearded prophets, no holy texts, no brainwashing going back hundreds and thousands of years, no commandments, no saints, no angels, no rituals, no sacraments, no places of worship, no priests and preachers, no traditional practices and observances, no holy days, no popes, no rules regarding diet, clothes or appearance, no prohibitions, no sermons. How would you go about creating a religion from scratch? It should be a religion that does the following: a) Wakes up humanity and brings about a spiritual renaissance. b) Frees humanity from the materialistic, zombie consumer culture of shopping malls. c) Appeals to theists, deists, gnostics, agnostics and even atheists. d) Promotes mystery, secrecy and wonder, and provides a transformative experience for its initiates. Its up to you to build it. Create, on the drawing board, via crowdsourcing, the perfect religion, with no historical baggage, and then bring it alive. Can you do it? This new religion will be called Illuminism (rather than Illumination). The aim is for it to be so inspiring that it will consign all other religions to oblivion, and will allow agnostics and atheists to participate. For all of its triumphs, science, the bedrock of atheism, is full of holes and contradictions (its amazing how many critical flaws in science are glossed over as if they didnt exist), and, above all, science cant answer the most basic question of all: what is the meaning of life? This isnt a scientific question, its a philosophical one, and atheists are as interested in it as much as everyone else. So, can you collaborate with others to produce a religion that will inspire the world and save us all from the horrors of the current dominant religions? It should be a religion that costs nothing, requires no priests, rabbis, or imams, no churches, mosques, synagogues or temples, no baptisms, no holy days; a religion that has no need of saints interceding on our behalf, nor of sacraments that bestow grace upon us, nor ancient texts that we are supposed to take literally, nor fierce prophets ordering us what to do. No one and no organisation stands between you and God. God is within you. The qualities attributed to Jesus Christ are those possessed by each person if they did but know it. As with Christ, God and man are united in each and every one of us; two natures existing within each person. Christians are willing to believe this of Christ, but not of ordinary men and women. Gnostics accept it as true of everyone. This radically opposite view makes all the difference in the world. Christianity or Gnosticism? - God incarnate in one person (Christ), or the divine spark incarnate in everyone? Which offers the most glorious and hopeful vision for humanity? There is no possible doubt. Had Christianity evolved slightly differently (and it had many opportunities to become unrecognisable from the way it turned out), it could have been Gnostic Christianity, with Christ as an Everyman…a shining example to all Gnostics, a model for everyone to emulate, the perfect blend of humanness and the divine spark. (Some Gnostics regarded Christ as a divine messenger sent by the True God to enlighten us. He had a phantom body, they said, rather than a real one because no being from the realm of light would ever fully enter into the Satanic material world. Other Gnostics regarded him as indeed taking on a physical reality so that he could act as the perfect example to everyone of how to escape Satans material hell. His life, they said, was about an ordinary man - a carpenter - going on an incredible journey to release his divine spark and become God. He was so successful that billions now worship him as though he were a unique being rather than an exemplar whom anyone can emulate.) The Illuminati, knowing the true identity of Jesus Christ, revile him, but the image of Jesus Christ rather than the reality could certainly have been the foundation of great things if it had evolved along Gnostic lines. The archons - the agents of the Demiurge, the ultimate puppetmasters - ensured that this did not happen. Nothing is more important than the idea that God (or a higher self to placate atheists) resides within you, because this ensures that no one is alienated from God (he is no longer separate, alien and distant from us) and it gives every persons life infinite value. It ensures that everyone has high self-esteem and self-confidence. Kings of old claimed to be divinely appointed and thus to have the absolute right to dominate everyone else. Illuminism should teach that we are all divinely appointed and no one has the right to dominate anyone. Illuminism should promote humanitys highest aspirations, the feeling of well-being and contentment, the feeling that everyone is precious and to be treated as such. Illuminism should abolish churches and formal buildings of worship. Religion should return to nature, to the outdoors: to groves and forests, rivers and lakes, mountains and fields, caves and grottoes. It should contain mystery and magic to kindle the human imagination. There should be no power hierarchy. Ecstasy means standing outside of oneself. Enthusiasm means being possessed or inspired by a god. Inspiration means breathing in the divine essence. These words are all related to the quest for the divine spark and attaining your higher self. Illuminism should be full of ecstatic experiences, enthusiasm and inspiration. A long-running joke in The Simpsons is the incredible tedium of the Reverend Lovejoys services. The Simpsons, like most Christians, regard religion as a chore that needs to be endured every Sunday. Theres nothing uplifting about it, nothing transcendent. Religion is supposed to be the core of the mystery of life, and yet for most people its something that sends them to sleep. Modern religion is either a bore or leads to the psychopathic fanaticism of suicide bombers. The majority of people these days are numb, comfortably numb. Isnt it time to come out of your numbness, to feel the exhilaration that true religion brings? The world is crying out for a new religion. Can you create symbols and initiation degrees for Illuminism? Can you create a structure for an underground religion? Can you create secret and mystical ceremonies? Can you create a religion that allows people to feel like gods? Perhaps the ancient and historical red Phrygian cap should be worn? This is the famous liberty cap of the American and French Revolutions. Perhaps you can find inspiration from the following texts:. The Emerald Tablet The Kybalion The Corpus Hermeticum The Rosicrucian Manifestos 1. Fama Fraternitatis 2. Confessio Fraternitatis 3. Chymical Wedding The Holy Grail: 1. Perceval, The Story of the Grail by Chrétien de Troyes 2. Joseph of Arimithea, or the Novel of the History of the Grail by Robert de Boron 3. Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach The Divine Comedy by Dante Paradise Lost by John Milton Faust by Goethe Or from the following spiritual films: Stalker (Andrei Tarkovsky) (The quest for a modern Grail.) Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky) (An encounter with reified dreams and the deep contents of the unconscious.) Excalibur (John Boorman) (The quest for the original Grail.) Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola) (Journey into the heart of darkness for an encounter with your higher self, only to discover that it has become corrupt. You must kill your higher self, allowing it to be reborn in a purified state.) Groundhog Day (Harold Ramis) (A man finding his higher self through eternal recurrence and reincarnation.) The Matrix (Wachowski Brothers) (A man transforming into his divine self.) V for Vendetta ( James McTeigue) (A masked hero fights back against an oppressive, totalitarian regime.) Network (Sidney Lumet) (The cynicism and evil of corporations and the media are spectacularly exposed.) Objective: for Illuminism to replace all established religions. 2) A New Politics The Meritocracy Party is the political wing of the Illuminati. Meritocracy is the system that will replace the Old World Orders rancid democracy - government of the people by the Power Elite for the Power Elite. Can you improve the meritocratic model? Can you devise a political constitution, a political vision that will astound the world? The Old World Orders democracy is accompanied by free market capitalism as its economic implementation - designed to ensure that a small number of people control the vast majority of the worlds wealth and power. Meritocracy will be based on an entirely new economic system where no one can become disproportionately wealthy. It will rely on the new field of behavioural economics i.e. economics based on human psychology rather than on abstract equations divorced from human behaviour. Many ideas are suggested on the meritocracy website. Can you provide new, fresh thinking? The Venus Project described in Zeitgeist: Addendum is a utopian, transformational vision of society that seeks to leave behind profit-driven capitalist economics. Can you produce something to rival it? Meritocracy, like Illuminism, is all about treating every person as infinitely precious. Everything should be done to ensure that each and every person is treated with respect and is afforded the best possible chance in life. Meritocracy should seek to identify what every individual is good at and passionate about, and actively steer them in the direction where their merits shine the brightest. At the moment, most of us are left to rot. We leave school, college and university with little sense of what we are best at and what makes us tick. Why? Because the Power Elites couldnt care less about us and what we do or dont like and what talents we do or dont have. All they care about is that we should comply with their system and pose no threat to them. The basic family unit should be extended to a greater community family - where local communities are responsible for ensuring that every child, no matter if its from a privileged or dysfunctional family, is given full community support and is fully nurtured and given the opportunity to maximise its potential. Anyone who supports the current family model is in effect saying that the elite dynastic families, those that comprise the Power Elite, those taking maximum advantage of privilege, should be allowed to dictate the shape and leaders of the future. This can never be right. Every generation should be as free as possible from the influence of previous generations. Every generation, as far as possible, should start afresh. It is always wrong for financial advantages to be passed on by the rich to their offspring, and simultaneously denied to the offspring of ordinary families. Life should be a level playing field. Everyone should start from the same starting line. No one should be permitted to rig the game of life in their favour. The Old World Orders entire game plan is to ensure that they manipulate the system to allow them and their descendants to rule in perpetuity. Objective: for Meritocracy to replace Democracy. 3) A New Psychology The great unspoken truth of the world is that it is entirely based on psychology. The current dominant psychological paradigm of the world is the one devised by the Old World Order to legitimise and facilitate their rule. It is a master-slave psychology where everyone is fitted into a power and status hierarchy, and those at the top dominate everyone below. It is a pyramid structure. An entirely new psychology is needed: a Round Table where no one dominates anyone else. The world should be managed according to a psychological paradigm where self-esteem, happiness, aspiration, and personal fulfilment are given primacy, rather than the current economic one where money, capitalism, materialism and consumerism constitute the dominant ideology of our age. Capitalist economics is a master-slave ideology - those with most capital dominate everyone else. The masters are subjects and the slaves are objects. The Round Table psychology paradigm is about treating everyone as an individual worthy of the highest respect, and where there are no masters and no slaves. The most meritorious rise to the top in society, but they are not driven by the need to dominate others and they do not seek massive, disproportionate rewards. Can you flesh out the Round Table psychological paradigm that, instead of favouring the Old World Order, is designed to ensure that each and every person is given the maximum opportunity to find personal fulfilment? The new paradigm should be informed by the well-known psychological models for categorising different types of people: Myers-Briggs personality types, Enneagrams (deriving from the Ancient Egyptians and Pythagoras), the Four Humours of Hippocrates, Sheldons Somatypes, and the Belbin team roles. More information can be found here: intj.mbti.human-types/ (If you have read most of the pages on this website you will almost certainly fall into the Myers-Briggs categories of INTJ or INTP. In a subsequent article, we will show how everything can be interpreted according to Myers-Briggs personality types: history, nations, philosophy, advertising, political parties, art, religion...) This wing of the Movement will be referred to as the Psy Faction and its purpose is to bring about the psychological transformation of the world. The Psy Faction should be all about carrying out the programme of Illuminism and Meritocracy: treating us all as priceless individuals and finding exactly what motivates us and what were best at. The Demiurge is the master of psychology of the lowest common denominator but we can attain that of a higher truth: the highest common factor. Objective: to replace the Old World Orders master-slave pyramid psychology with Meritocracys Round Table psychology. 4) A New Radicalism In the internet age, how to do you create new forms of radicalism to electrify the world, to motivate the people, to panic the Old World Order, to promote the Movements radical, transformative agenda, to outflank the election machines of political parties? The Movements radical faction for activists will be known as the R Faction. You will be like those brave seekers in The Matrix who choose to take the red pill and challenge the power of the sinister controllers who seek to deceive and enslave us all. As Morpheus says to Neo, Remember, all Im offering is the truth. Nothing more. Its time to join the Resistance. Its up to you. You can change the world. Are you radical enough? Objective: for the Movements radicals to energise the world with the Movements message. ***** The Movement seeks to introduce a new global religion, a new global political system, a new global economic model, a new global psychology, a new global radicalism…in short, a New World Order. The future comes in the shape of a society that resembles that of Star Trek: a meritocracy where technology has brought an end to the traditional economics of the Old World Order. There is no money in Star Trek; no one needs it. There are no super-rich people. There is no mindless celebrity culture and no consumerist mentality. Each person strives to be personally fulfilled, and society is set up to help everyone achieve their personal goals. There is no religious fanaticism, no people bowing, kneeling, praying and demanding that all the infidels who disagree with them should be consigned to hell. Isnt that a future worth striving for? You can help to make it happen. You have the power, the intelligence, the creativity, the energy. You have probably always wanted to do something great, to make a difference. This is your chance. The Movement is not a fixed entity set in stone. It is something that you yourself can shape. You can create it in your image if you have the will, the merit, the ability to charm and persuade others. Your time has come. There are no excuses left. First step: Make contact with people in your vicinity. Create the seeds of a secret society in your local town. We recommend that people place a message on Craigslist, Gumtree, Facebook etc It could be worded as: Transforming ourselves and the world - a secret project for seekers. Are you fascinated by the Holy Grail, interested in conspiracy theories and secret societies, disillusioned with conventional religions and governments? Are you seeking a higher truth? Im looking to meet up with people who are on a quest to improve themselves and the world. If we dont do anything, nothing will ever change. Get in touch if youre interested. Or come up with your own message. In an ideal world, the Movement would crop up in towns and cities all over the world, each cell doing its own thing. Eventually different cells could link up and compare their different ways of doing things. Would cells in Texas be different from ones in New England, ones in America be different from ones in Britain, ones in the West be different from ones in the East? The Movement should evolve and grow ever more refined - like base metal being gradually turned into gold. It is a grassroots movement. No money is involved. You can be part of changing the world. One day the Old World Order will wake up and realise that they are too late to save themselves. They will discover that the Movement has arisen everywhere, and they are surrounded with no escape channels. Their tyranny and reign of terror will at last be over and humanity can become what it always had it in it to be: the True Gods dazzling reflection. The Last Bling King by Mike Hockney describes a popular uprising to overthrow the super rich and celebrities. Its a direct response to Ayn Rands notorious and poisonous novel Atlas Shrugged in which the super-rich go on strike to force the ordinary people to worship them and give them everything they want without any interference or regulation (precisely the mentality that gave rise to the current financial disaster). In The Last Bling King, the ordinary people refuse to do anything on behalf of the super rich and celebrities in order to show these arrogant monsters once and for all that they have nothing and they are nothing without the cooperation of ordinary men and women. A secret group called The League for the Liberation of Nobodies leads the peoples resistance. The Millionaires Death Club by Mike Hockney provides an insight into the workings of an elite, English, OWO secret society similar to the Skull and Bones in America. Prohibition A describes a secret society run by the American intelligence services, and designed to extend their power to every corner of the world. Ideas can be taken from all of these regarding how to shape your own secret society - a benign and altruistic one - to change the world for the better. The Movement can transform the world. The Movement is the voice of the people, expressed via crowdsourcing. The Power Elite will play no part in it. The Movement will replace the Old World Order with a New World Order based on values that the people have chosen. The Movement will be a meritocracy. The most effective cells of the Movement will spread virally, while the least effective will wither and die. The Movement is evolution in action. Can the Movement reach an earthly Omega Point where humanity has reached perfect understanding of itself? Humanity is being held back by the greed and selfishness of the Old World Order. The current purpose of the world is to serve the needs of the Old World Order. The human race is crying out for something higher, nobler, more meaningful. The Movement can deliver the very best of which humanity is capable, and of which you are personally capable. Change yourself and change the future via the Movement. And those who prove the most creative and meritorious members of the Movement are the ones who are likely to be invited to join the Illuminati, as was always done in the past with all of the other groups founded by the Illuminati. This is your chance. So, will you take it? Getting in touch with your higher self The message of the Illuminati is that people should aim to make contact with their divine spark, to release their inner divinity, to transform themselves utterly and express their higher, hidden selves…to become God. Many people are perplexed by this concept. They cant see how it could possibly happen. In the next few articles on this site, we will provide guidance. We will draw your attention to Nietzsches philosophy of the Superman, to Jungs concept of Individuation (the process of self-development which leads to well-balanced, whole individuals who have overcome all of the weakness and flaws that have held them back), to the Illuminatis controversial concept of Sin for Salvation which frees people from the chains of the Old World Orders slavery, to the practices of ancient Greek mystery religions, with which the Illuminati were closely connected before they became a formal organisation under Pythagoras, the first Grand Master. For those who want to read a quasi-scientific account of having God inside your head, Julian Jayness book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind is one of the most remarkable books ever written. It is one short step from Jayness theory to a realisation of the truth of the human condition. Ask yourself this question: does God reside in the right hemisphere of your brain? Central to the concept of becoming God is that you yourself must start to don the mantle of God. This is the core of Gnosticism. No Christian would ever say that you could become Christ, no Jew that you could become Jehovah, no Muslim that you could become Allah. For these sad people, God is always an alien, terrifying, far distant being, regarding whom the only appropriate response is to fall on your face, cower and beg for mercy. For the Illuminati, God is inside us all, and everyone can find his transcendent inner light and undergo the ultimate metamorphosis. Which message do you think is healthier, more optimistic, and most magnificent in its grandeur and the possibilities it opens for humanity? God outside us or God inside? Which one is imbued with infinite hope, aspiration and the possibility of limitless personal transformation? People can choose to believe in the morbid and sickly slave religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, or to embrace freedom and light and aspire to be the very greatest they can be. The choice you make is what defines you. Are you healthy or ill? Are you a god in the making, or someone living on your knees, worshipping a tyrant? The God of Christianity, Judaism and Islam is Satan, Rex Mundi, the Demiurge…a being of infinite egotism that craves worship from all of humanity. Ask yourself the most basic question - if you were God, would you want the human race to be prostrate before you, scared to raise their eyes to look at you, terrified of your power, terrified of the punishments you will inflict on them if they disobey you? If you did want those things then you would be no God, you would be a monster. The God of the Christians, Jews and Muslims is precisely that monster. You must reject this monster in every way if you are to attain your higher self. Christians claim you will go to hell if you dont believe in Jesus Christ, Muslims that you will go to hell if you dont accept Mohamed, the Koran and Allah, the Jews that you will be damned if you reject Jehovah, Moses and the Ten Commandments. The Illuminati make no such claims. The Illuminati assert that they can guide you in the best and surest way towards your higher self, towards your personal divinity. But you do not need the Illuminati for salvation. It is immensely difficult, but people can find their own route to their higher self, without the help of anyone else. It is never acceptable for any religious group to claim that it is indispensible, that without it you are damned. This is always a lie. It is the statement of on organisation seeking to control and manipulate you. Christianity. Judaism and Islam are amongst the most appalling systems of control the world has ever had to endure. Horrific wars have been fought in their name and grotesque violence meted out. Savagery and tyranny have always walked hand in hand with the three religions of the Book. Abrahams three religions have warped humanity. Abraham must be regarded as one of the most evil men of all time. Remember that this was the man who was prepared to sacrifice his own son Isaac because Jehovah commanded it. What God would ever demand such a test, and what man would ever be prepared to go ahead with it? Many fathers would rather die themselves than slay their own son, but not Abraham. This event is the centrepiece of the three religions of the Book and is one of the most chilling and disturbing tales ever told. The tale begins with God saying to Abraham, Take thy only begotten son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and go into the land of vision: and there thou shalt offer him for a holocaust upon one of the mountains which I shall shew thee. Abraham builds an altar and puts wood on it in readiness for the holocaust. Isaac asks, Where is the victim of the holocaust? Abraham replies, God will provide himself a victim for a holocaust, my son. This is technically not a lie, but it is as close to one as it is possible to get. It certainly reveals no honesty, openness and candour on the part of the great prophet Abraham, the father of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Abraham deceives his own son in order to kill him, and all in the name of his God. We can see the whole history of Satans world writ large here. Abraham binds his son, puts him on the altar and prepares to kill him with a sword before burning his body in a holocaust. As Abraham prepares to strike dead his son, God appears and says, Lay not thy hand upon the boy, neither do thou anything to him: now I know that thou fearest God, and hast not spared thy only begotten son for my sake. Note that what God wants from Abraham is fear and insane obedience. This is not God. This is Satan. It is one of the most obvious facts in the history of religion and yet billions continue to worship this dark lord of tyranny and madness. No God, even for a moment, would tempt any human being in such a perverse, cruel and psychologically devastating way. It is the act of a monster. There is no defence for this defining moment in the religions of the People of the Book. If you are prepared to kill your own son in the name of God, you will have no hesitation in killing those who have no relationship with you. This has been the first and foremost characteristic of the Abrahamic religions: slaughter and psychopathy. The Abrahamic religions are repulsive. No good and decent person would ever follow any of these crazed religions. The sooner the earth is free of them, of their nauseating savagery, violence and deceit, the better. They have been the greatest blight on humanity, an eternal curse. They have turned earth into hell. These are the religions of the Old World Order. These are the religions of terror, slavery, and absolute control. It is time for humanity to escape. To become God, you must start to think and act like God. God does not ask questions; he provides answers. God does not bow to others. God is creative. God is fair, just, and understanding. God is surpassingly intelligent and has attained full self-knowledge. God would rather reward than punish. God would never, under any circumstances, choose to send someone to a place of infinite and perpetual suffering; people choose hell for themselves. God is forgiving, merciful, always determined to see the best in people, not the worst. God is interested in all not in a few. Consider this quotation by Lewis Hamilton, the F1 world champion, after winning the Singapore Grand Prix in 2009. This was probably the busiest weekend of my life, with more appearances than ever. My dad and my stepmother were here, and my girlfriend [Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger], and it was really great to meet Beyonce. I had a really great weekend and Im very happy and looking forward to celebrating tonight. But if I was asked who was really responsible for all this, for me the one person is God. He gave us all our chance to be here and to be healthy, and blessed me with a great family around me, and for me that would be the answer. Hamilton is a man who drives a car in circles for a couple of hours every few weeks, bringing no benefit at all to humanity, yet is allowed to earn many millions of dollars in the process because we live in a truly ridiculous world. Is God really someone who spends his time conferring success on a racing driver? When Hamilton loses does he make a speech thanking God then? Weve yet to hear that one. What about all of the people who lose in life? What about all of the people with diseases, disabilities, disastrous luck, disastrous family backgrounds, people who have never had a chance in life? Should they thank God too? How absurd. In what way is Hamiltons God just, fair, and interested in the welfare of all? God is not partisan and he certainly doesnt root for certain racing drivers in a pointless yet astonishingly lucrative sport. How can it enter Hamiltons head even for a moment that God in any way cares about F1 racing? What sort of blindness, stupidity and insanity must Hamilton be suffering from? Is the Bible full of tales of high-speed sports events? The tragedy is that so many people see God in this light: as helping certain favoured individuals and nations, and actively harming others. This was the nature of the Jehovah of the Old Testament: a vile, violent, angry and jealous god, vengeful and hateful, nominating the Jews as his Chosen People and taking their side to deadly effect in the land of Canaan where genocide was carried out against the Canaanites in his name, and with his active help. Jehovah is Satan. Hamiltons God is Satan. This is the Old World Orders God who panders to the rich and famous, who seeks to elevate some - his chosen ones - far above everyone else in order to sow the divided, unequal society we inhabit. Hamilton is a spectacular fool. Why isnt he utterly condemned by the leaders of Christianity for turning God into someone who wants to personally intervene in F1 races to ensure that Hamilton earns millions of pounds a year for driving a fast car? Is that what God has become - an F1 groupie? It is said that people who smile all of the time are much happier than those who dont. The very act of smiling releases chemicals that make people feel better. People who say yes all the time become much more positive and adventurous than those who continually say no and thus remain mired in unhealthy skepticism, cynicism, negativity and caution. In the same way, those who start answering questions rather than asking them find themselves undergoing a subtle and then increasingly remarkable change. God is the being with all of the answers. The more you provide answers, the more you resemble God. It doesnt matter that your answers might start out spectacularly wrong. The very fact that you have come up with an answer at all is often far more of an achievement than most people can manage. As you gain practice and develop your skills, you will start to see that you find yourself answering problems everywhere, and your answers will become better and better. Paradoxically, youll also start to ask far better questions, which in turn will help to refine your answers. A miraculous alchemy takes place. Bit by bit, your answers turn from lead into gold. Things that baffled you in the past become clear. You start forming a myriad of connections between all of your answers. You become smarter and smarter. And all because you changed from being a questioner to an answerer. Give it a try. When you read or hear something and you are puzzled, instead of asking questions, why dont you try to furnish your own answer, and then look for confirmation or refutation of your answer? Attempt to emulate God. The Movement should be all about people endeavouring to furnish answers rather than continually asking questions. The former reflects an active and dominant attitude, the latter a passive and submissive one. To continually ask questions is to be continually bewildered, hesitant, unsure. God doesnt question, he answers…and you should try to do the same. Walk the walk, talk the talk; move from asking questions to giving answers. Be active and proactive, not passive and reactive. Be creative. Live and breathe the divine experience. Walk in Gods shoes. Empathise with him. See the world through his eyes. Bring your imagination to bear. Try to transcend the barriers and restrictions of your ordinary human existence. If the Bible/Koran/Torah were about you, what would you want these holy books to say? What would you want to tell humanity? What lessons would you want men and women to learn? What would you do if the eternal souls of all of humanity were in your hands, and everyones fate was decided by your decisions? You may feel alone in the world at the moment, but you arent. At the moment, many men and women of integrity are fighting isolated battles against the Old World Order. They dont get the chance to come together with like-minded people. Their resistance is solitary. They need convincing that there are other people of equal integrity fighting the same battles elsewhere. The Movement is the organisation for all such people. The Movement is the Resistance to the Old World Order. The Movement is a link to the Illuminatis historical struggle for freedom. The Movement is the chance to build a New World Order based on Illuminism and meritocracy. The old religions are dead. Democracy is dead. Free market capitalism is dead. Its time for a new future and a new world. And each and every one of you can help to build it. Novus Ordo Seclorum - New Order of the Ages. Novus Ordo Mundi - New World Order. Annuit Cœptis - He has favoured our undertakings. THE MOVEMENT The Movement The Movement The Movement The Movement The Movement Its time to change the world. Are you ready? Go out and be gods. © The New World Order
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:36:21 +0000

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