The Importance of Knowing the Truth Is Critical Do you - TopicsExpress


The Importance of Knowing the Truth Is Critical Do you happen know how many different interpretations of the Bible there are that people strongly insist are true? Believers differ on and debate over just about every topic the Bible touches on. Well, I cant even tell you how many times people have heard me say something or have read something Ive written and accused me of being wrong while others agreed with me wholeheartedly. Obviously, those that accused me of being in error hadnt understood what I said because we were actually in agreement. Also, at least some of the people who agreed with me only thought I was agreeing with them when, in reality, I wasnt. Now, I feel quite sure that this kind of thing has happened to all of you at least a few times over the course of your lives and its easy to recognize that according to his biographers it happened to Jesus a lot of the time even with regard to his closest disciples to say nothing of the rest of the Jews. When it happened to you, did you feel frustration especially if it had to do with something that was very important? And, did you try different ways of explaining yourself to see if you could get disbelievers and those who falsely accused you to accurately understand you? Did at least some of the people who disagreed with you change their minds and start agreeing or did they just shut you off and refuse to talk to you? See John 6:60 in the “God’s Word Version.” Jesus was figuratively talking about “the truth” or that the golden rule was the way to life and used the term “bread” to speak of it. “When many of Jesus’ disciples heard him, they said, ‘What he says is hard to accept (or, we don’t agree with it). Who wants to listen to him anymore?’” What Im getting at is that what Ive done with my book is to prove with absolute certainty that Jesus was God, that he was the divine son of God, that he is alive, and all of the other things that Jesus claimed about himself but most importantly Ive proved that he wasnt any of those things as most believers interpret them. Is this important? Absolutely its important! The reason is because unless you actually know the truth you cant possibly be saved the way that believing the truth saves people. You cant be saved according to what being saved actually means by believing what amounts to a lie. Otherwise, why was Jesus so determined and so intent on trying to get people to correctly understand him? Its crystal clear that his closest disciples had to have things repeated to them and explained in different ways and its clear that they were still in the dark about important issues when Jesus died and that they continued to be at least partly in the dark when they wrote the New Testament letters. See 1 Corinthians 13:9. We dont know everything, and our prophecies are not complete. Note that the word prophecy has several meanings and one of them means to speak with Gods authority. The context then is that everything the apostles said was not necessarily correct or in accordance with the will of God. They didnt know for certain that everything they said was literally true. However, they could sense how the absolute truth could be discovered and they were trying to do that. Now, read James, chapter 1 again. See that asking God for wisdom or understanding is restated by James in his advice about looking intently into or carefully examining the perfect law of liberty which is what we call the golden rule. Then, read Mark 10:17-27 again along with parallel passages in Matthew 19, Luke 10, and Luke 18. The Jews only thought that they had correctly understood the golden rule and were correctly obeying it but they had missed it completely. They could quote the golden rule, they knew the words, but they were not obeying the truth because their understanding of that truth was incorrect. Thus, instead of being saved sons of God as they most definitely were convinced that they were, Jesus said that they were the sons of Satan instead and still lost in sin. So, please, dont falsely accuse me of spreading error. Ive plainly said that I believe that, according to the New Testament, Jesus was God, that he was the son of God, that he was divine and so on but the vast majority have misunderstood the truth about those things and so are still in sin as Jesus said the Jews were. Remember, just because you and all your friends along with millions of other people believe the same thing is in no way proof that youre right. Truth has to be established a different way and my book explains how to do that with absolute certainty. Jesus seems to have been the only one, in his area of the world at least, to see things the way he saw them and everybody else was wrong. At least thats what his disciples believed and said. Well, since Jesus lived, people have been lead into all kinds of false teachings as the seriously divided state of believers proves with absolute certainty. Read 1 Corinthians 1 ff and how Paul scolded those people for having different opinions or being divided into denominations in other words. Any simpleton knows that when people disagree they cant all be right and it was desperately important for those people to believe the same thing and that it be “the truth” or Paul wouldnt have said anything to them. I’ve simply discovered “the truth” that is the correct truth that everyone needs to know so that we’ll all be on “the same page” as they say and be able to be saved and know for certain that we are saved according to what is really meant by that term. I’ve even made it clear what you have to know and what you don’t so that you can easily understand it and be sure. As it is, virtually everyone is still lost without realizing it while feeling convinced that they’re saved just like the Jews did and were also divided into several sects or denominations and all of them lost too.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:41:59 +0000

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