The Importance of Squat Mobility Drills! Squatting is one of - TopicsExpress


The Importance of Squat Mobility Drills! Squatting is one of the most powerful yet most complex movements of all gym exercises, the squat is a great exercise for developing strength and power both in the legs and core. Squatting the correct way will have you set up for developing brute overall strength whilst setting a solid foundation to your bodybuilding program, however squatting the incorrect way can leave you with some serious injuries and muscle imbalances. Squat mobility drills should be a vital part to your program, whether or not you do them before your session or on your days off! Performing these drills will help numerous ways to improving your squat, such as an increase in thoracic and ankle flexibility, maintaining better posture during the lift, increase in strength and a better feel for the movement, to name a few. As well as helping your body to be able to hit and maintain optimal positions for the squat, these drills will help your body to understand what your squat is meant to look and feel like, which has untold benefits. I will list 1 drill below that you may practice before your squat session or on your days off! The Wall Squat: What is it: A squat performed whilst standing close to and facing the wall, with your hands against the wall but no other part of your body permitted to touch it. How to do it: Stand a foots width away from the wall in a shoulder width stance. Stretch your arms out above your head and place them against the wall, with your arms parallel send your hips back and lower yourself down under control into a perfect full squat, with your hands remaining against the wall, but not allowing your head or torso to touch the wall. Focus On: Pushing your knees out and your chest up - both of which will stop you hitting the wall and help you to keep your chest up and maintain optimal back position and torso angle whilst hitting a deep squat. Also try to keep your arms as vertical as possible. Advanced tip: Bring yourself closer and closer to the wall, until you can perform a full squat with your toes touching the wall. Attached is a video of my squat a few months before using squat mobility drills and then only 3 weeks after incorporating the drills into my squat sessions, as well as on my days off! Also shown is the improvement of my squat set up which can help you a tremendous amount. Here is the video I watched to help improve my overall set up: https://youtube/watch?v=GtPN-ftmxG8&
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:15:52 +0000

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