The Importance of Survival Gear Do you have survival gear at - TopicsExpress


The Importance of Survival Gear Do you have survival gear at the ready in both your home and your workplace in the event of an emergency or natural disaster? If you answered no, youre not alone. According to a recent preparedness study, most people dont have an adequate amount of supplies to survive just a few days without heat, electricity, or food. And those that are prepared might have food, water and a first aid kit, but not other essentials necessary for surviving a catastrophe. Events around the world during the past few years are proof of the importance of having survival gear that is accessible within seconds. Since no one knows where they will be when disaster strikes, emergency preparedness needs to cover you at home, in the car and at work. Furthermore, theres no telling when a crisis might occur, whether its a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, a medical epidemic, a fire that displaces you from your home, or any other type of emergency. So its important to be ready to go into emergency mode at any time. According to emergency management officials, most people incorrectly assume that they will have plenty of time to get what they need to survive an emergency once it happens. But just about any kind of catastrophe could shut down roadways, communication networks and electricity, preventing you from accessing basic needs like food, water, warmth and contact with others. Being complacent instead of proactive could mean the difference in survival. Similar to the survival gear used by mountain climbers, hikers and campers, home and workplace supplies should cover the basics. They are a tent or other form of portable shelter, blankets, a flashlight, essentials for starting a fire, rescue signals, a portable radio, a multi-use tool, a first aid kit and emergency food and water. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or earthquakes, you might want to consider additional survival gear in case your municipal water system becomes contaminated or you are left without heat or electricity for multiple days or weeks. Consider having on hand some meals ready to eat (MREs) and water purification and storage equipment. Outbreaks of swine flu, bird flu and other airborne diseases bring to the forefront the importance of having respiratory masks in your survival gear. The masks are also valuable for those living in areas at risk for wildfires. Having survival gear that can sustain you and your family members for at least 72 hours is recommended. In the event of a major catastrophe, emergency personnel may be unable to reach you within three days, so its always best to have additional supplies to last a longer time. Of utmost importance for sustaining yourself and others during long-term emergencies is survival gear that will provide you with shelter, food and water, warmth, light, sanitation and first aid. Along with having the proper survival gear, its essential to know the disaster plan in the communities where you live and work. They are part of the essential tools to surviving any type of emergency. Keep in mind the motto: Be Prepared. It will ensure that you and your loved ones will make it through any emergency or disaster.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 06:35:03 +0000

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