The In-Depth Study on the Book of James (James 1) A teaching on - TopicsExpress


The In-Depth Study on the Book of James (James 1) A teaching on Obedience through Trials (hardships), through temptations, and Obedience by action. By Barnabas Johnson Food For Thought The world can notice the marked difference between “Genuine Christians” and those that just profess the faith by the way they respond to trials and problems of life. Why is that? How you handle a problem determines if your faith is living or dead, genuine or imitation, saving or non-saving. Last Week Reflection – Reasons for Trials • To test the strength of our faith. To humble us. To wean out our dependence on worldly things. To call us to eternal and heavenly hope. Show us who and what we really love. To teach us to value God Blessings. To strengthen us for greater usefulness. To train us to better help others in trails and tribulations. James 1-12 gives us the five ways in which we should respond to trials and tribulations that arise in our daily life. • A joyful Attitude (V.2), and understanding mind (v.3), a submissive will (v.4), a believing heart (V. 5-8), and a humble Spirit (v. 9-11) What is the outcome and reward of responding in the five ways above? Read verse 12. The greatest joy of trials and tribulations is drawing close to God. When is the last time you drew close to God in a time of despair? Our values determine our evaluations. If we value comfort more than character, then trials will upset us. If we value material and physical more than the spiritual, we will not be able to count it all joy. If we live for the present and forget the future, the trials will make us biter not better. Doesn’t it feel good to know that God is developing you for something great? God will never put on you a trial that you can’t handle with Him? It is Gods Provision of security that makes possible our perseverance. We are secure because of the Power of God, Promise & Prayers, and thirdly because of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Trials are the essential means God uses to perfect Christian character. Think About IT! Trials should enhance your prayer life. Why? It is the only way to turn to God for Guidance, strength, patience, and wisdom. Note: A believer who is being tested (not tempted) that is not driven to the Lord and does not develop a deeper prayer life, the Lord is likely to keep the test active, in some cases intensify it, until we come to his throne of GRACE. Choose spiritual resources over world ones. Once you have been approved and persevere through all trials you will receive your Blessings (Crown). Understand: Trials is not to tempt you to do wrong, but encourage you to live right. (1:13-17) The right response leads to spiritual endurance, righteousness, wisdom, and other blessings (1:2-12). The wrong response leads to sin and death (1:15). All humans are tempted, that’s life. Satan tempted even Jesus, but also everyone has freewill. Action Don’t blame anyone for your falls. It is the fleshly reaction to all failures. Instead take responsibility understanding Grace and sin no more. Don’t be deceived. What were Adam and Eve responses? Temptation comes from your own evil desires. What is the recipe for Death? The Four Ds------->Desire, Deception, Design, Disobedience What does Roman 7:18-25 Mean to You? What’s the condition of your heart and what does it reveal to you? (Jerimiah17:9 & Matthew 15:28-9) The evidence that God is not responsible for our temptation is: our own sinful nature (The Nature of Evil V.13) , he is not tempted by evil (The Nature of Man V.14), The Nature of Lust (v 15-16), and The Nature of God (v. 17) – His nature is incompatible with the nature of sin. James presents a third test to true believers in verse 1:19-21, a response to the truth in revealed in Gods Word. The first was a response to trials (1:2-12) and the second was a response to temptations (1-13-18) When a true Disciple hears Gods word, there is an affection for its truth and a desire to obey it. One of the most reliable evidences of genuine salvation is a hunger for Gods Word, OUCH. Do a newborn have to be taught to hunger for its mother’s milk? True discipleship is evidence by ongoing obedience to Scripture (John 8:31). Just as important as reception of the word, obedience is vital. Without obedience , its truth are not only without benefit but becomes a tool for further Judgment. #SAYWHAT………. Obedience to the word is the most basic spiritual requirement and is the most common denominator for all believers. “Prove yourselves” in Greek is ginomai, which means, “be continual” or “Keep striving to be”. Are you a forgetful hearer or an effectual doer? You can’t be both. Now read James 1:22-27. A genuine believer sees things as they really are, and his will is brought into union with God’s will. They love to do what the bible commands to do, because this is the will of the heavenly Father. Radical Obedience Results In Radical Blessings (Joshua 1:6) What is Religious? Its the outer actions we take as Christians. That is what that verse is referring to. Food For Thought The tongue is not the only indicator of true spirituality but is one of the most reliable. If the tongue s not controlled by God, it is a sure indicator that the heart is not either. James 1:22-27 shows us: -willingness to apply the word without deception (v 22-26), -willingness to apply the word without selfishness (v. 27), - willingness to apply the word without Compromise (v 27) Now Pray for Strength to keep on keeping on. AMEN
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:05:47 +0000

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