The Incredible Power Of Incantations : A belief is what we - TopicsExpress


The Incredible Power Of Incantations : A belief is what we choose to believe or something which has been developed and has been taught, and learnt right from our childhood. Most of the beliefs that have been drilled into our minds are generally false and which hold our back. Beliefs could be subjective and differs from one person to another. For instance, someone believes that God exists whereas an atheist believes that there is no God. Some believe that Look before you leap whereas someone else believes whenever you notice an opportunity, grab it. The way we react to situations, the way we make decisions is all deeply affected by our beliefs. An incantation is a positive and powerful statement which is said out loud with utter certainty and passion. Its something which we do voluntarily. While doing incantations, we don’t just say it out loud but also engage our whole body as much as possible. The more you get involved, the more powerful it is. Most of you’ll would go with beliefs because that’s what we have been conditioned by all these years which we have been drilled deep into our minds. The more elder you are, more deeply these beliefs have been well rooted into your mind. But, Incantations overpowers and conquers the Beliefs. Shocking, isn’t it? How could something which have been well rooted into our minds are less powerful than some positive statements which we keep saying it over and over again to ourselves? It’s because the beliefs which we have, have been developed because something has been said to us over and over again. For instance, if you’re in poverty or not so rich even though you’re doing all the things right it could be because you’ve been raised to believe that, “Making money isn’t easy” or “Rich people are really bloodsuckers, they exploit everyone beneath them, to get to the top” or “Money is the root of all evil.” If you believe all these, then you won’t probably get rich. Notice, that these statements were told to you by someone over and over again and that eventually became a belief. This also implies that if you keep doing an incantation over and over again, with utter certainty that would also eventually and undoubtedly become a belief. Now, Learn how to use Incantation, something which have been used by all the leading personalities in our world including famous personalities like Muhammed Ali. Its all here : mindreinvent/the-incredible-power-of-incantations/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:44:57 +0000

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