The Indaba on death is coming up on the 6th and 7th August 2014 2 - TopicsExpress


The Indaba on death is coming up on the 6th and 7th August 2014 2 weeks time. Here is a recent quote by Bishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu on the topic. For further reading on the controversial topic of euthanasia, please go to the link at the end of the quote. Dying is part of life. We have to die.......Recently I discussed my wishes with my youngest daughter, Mpho: my choice of the liturgy, the hymns, and who should preach. Id like to lie overnight in St Marys Cathedral in Johannesburg. It was such an important place in my life; its where I became a deacon, where so many important things happened. I would like to be cremated; some people are not comfortable with that idea. Id like my ashes to be interred at St Georges Cathedral, Cape Town.There are certain African traditions I am not comfortable with: the turning of photos to face the wall, the clearing of furniture from the bedroom and placing of straw mats for the women to sit on for days. I am comfortable that on my passing these traditions should not be followed. It concerns me how people get into debt at funerals, buying expensive caskets, slaughtering animals they can ill afford to pay for. I want to role model modesty. I would like a simple coffin, the one of plain wood, with the rope handles. I would like modest refreshments after my funeral. If people want to slaughter an animal as part of traditional ritual, Id be happy with a sheep or a goat – it doesnt need to be a big animal. My memorial stone should also be modest. My concern is not just about affordability; its my strong preference that money should be spent on the living.This takes me to the question of what does it mean to be alive. What constitutes quality of life and dignity when dying? These are big, important questions. I have come to realize that I do not want my life to be prolonged artificially. I think when you need machines to help you breathe, then you have to ask questions about the quality of life being experienced and about the way money is being spent. This may be hard for some people to consider.But why is a life that is ending being prolonged? Why is money being spent in this way? It could be better spent on a mother giving birth to a baby, or an organ transplant needed by a young person. Money should be spent on those that are at the beginning or in full flow of their life. Of course, these are my personal opinions and not of my church.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:26:54 +0000

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