The Indian Muslim party is a non violance part and it reminds the - TopicsExpress


The Indian Muslim party is a non violance part and it reminds the peoples of India’s past history that under Muslim leaders of India, all kinds of Indian humans lived togethar in peace, love, harmony & in better understanding with one another because they were all Indians of one India under the greatest leaders , Muhammad Qasim, 711 AD; Sultan Mahmood Gaznavi (reign 998-1030); Sultan Shihabuddin Gauri in 1206 who laid the foundation stone of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526), Aurangzeb Aalamgir (1618-1707)and Babar (from 1526 to 1857), etc. All peoples of India living in peace with each other until the onslaught of Europe on India started by the Portuguese pirates and colonialists in seventeenth century, but it was heightened when the English disguised as traders established bases with an eye on India’ wealth and land. Later the East India Company began taking the country into its grip and finally it put an end to the 7-century Indian old rule, when step by step in 1757, the door was open for Britain to occupy Bengal, Haidar Ali and his son Tipu Sultan stood up to stop English steps in Deccan (Southern India). But this campaign suffered a major setback due to internal treachery and Tipu was martyred fighting in Srangapattam in 1799. The English general Nell shouted: “From today India is ours”. Finally, on day in 1803, it came under the British Company for full rule of Britain and the sparks of hate and anger against the English burst again in 1857; According to historians, 27,000 Muslims were only hanged to death. Not to speak of the 7-day-long massacre. Even the children were not spared. The atrocities that were perpetrated on women are beyond imagination. Muslims Struggle for Freedom of India began to combat the British government’s disastrous policies but as the 1st World War erupted the Indian subcontinent global scenario changed and India Hindus got up from their long slumber & joined with Indian Muslims, so in a meeting Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Mukhtar Ansari and other Muslim leaders elected Gandhi Ji as the leader to win the local and international support for freedom of India from Britain. Around 1919 Jamiat ul Ulama came into to provide a platform to fight against the English. It is worth mentioning that it was the Muslims, which taught the Congress to follow the path to freedom. Otherwise, it was not founded with sole purpose of independence. The Muslim leaders worked closely with the Congress and inspired it to adopt full cooperation, for complete freedom of India and other programmed for India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the scholar and was the hero of India’s independence for having the slogans of freedom of India that made the colonialists restless. The history of freedom of India was done greatly by Muslims of India, sacrificing their life’s for India and Muslims have given their life’s & their wealth to free India from the clutches of the English but today Muslims are blamed that they are traitors. Muslim fighters instead of being paid homage their names are removed from textbooks and history. While, many in Hindu community think that Muslims have got their share in the form of Pakistan, but they forget that Indian Muslims build fellow Indian Hindu’s to a political power over India after India’s Independence and the greatest grand spiritual master of the world, the Sufism president, Khalifa Pir Dervish Fiqeer Sufi Sultan Mahmood Naqshabandi Qadiri Chistiyya Suhrawardi Awais al Qarani Tariqa Hanifa, mention these sacrifices of Muslims, is to remind today’s our fellow Indian Hindu’s of Indian Muslim brave past. ‘A nation which fails to treasure its history is lost in the darkness of ages’. Never ‘forget Indian Muslims sacrifice for India’ and why did Muslims created a Nation, India, on dead bodies of Muslims & gained 1947 independence from the British after the second world war? To help fellow Hindu’s to unite with fellow Muslims to live peacefully within in one India and no doubt! Justice! Do justice! With justice! Muslims of India have greater significant contribution towards freedom of India from the British, so once the British rule was over in India, the British did not want to see India has a one state, the British helped both sides, Hindu & Muslim leaders to agree for Partition, Being Political Leaders, they were just pampered by British towards being of a power Hungry & Share not the Power due to their selfish reasons and so the British divided India to India & Pakistan but on January 30, 1948, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi spirit kept fighting for the Hindu-Muslim unity until he was, alas, assassinated by a Hindu extremist and BJP extremist breaking Hindu-Muslim unity of India today, which Gandhi gave his life to keep Hindu-Muslim Unity in India alive. “Gandhi ji has been killed by his own people-Hindu extremists to break peace, love, harmony, understandings between the two communities of India, Hindu’s-Muslims. What did Gandhi get in return for all the sacrifices he made for the sake of Hindu-Muslim unity? He got three bullets into his stomach from a Hindu extremist maniac and the fact of the matter is Gandhi needed Hindu support but Hindus turned their backs on him by killing him. The truth is truth and on, one occasion Gandhi said, ‘It appears the Hindu children are taught violence and bloodshed from their childhood by their Hindu extremists parents against our fellow Muslims of India’… so forget not that Gandhi gave his life for the sake of Hindu-Muslim unity in India. The Indian Muslim Party is non violence party, giving whole truth nothing but truth and never develops enmity with others. It’s a pity that over 66 years since independence BJP have not learned lessons yet. It’s a pity that BJP are allowing the extremist Hindu’s to forget Gandhi sacrifice of peace, love, harmony with Muslims of India to go waste. Hindu extremists, BJP, have not followed the peace, love, harmony method of Gandhi’s cooperative attitude. Never forget that even today the Hindu extremists preach their children to prove Hindu extremists in their heart by saying, that ‘Indian Muslim leaders preached the gospel of separation right from the Revolt of 1857 to the day of independence in 1947’, and Hindu extremists Religion can never allow a true Muslim to adopt India as his motherland. BJP has taken India to dark ages by doing propaganda against Indian Muslims & BJP propaganda has been resulted in the campaign of hatred against the Muslims. The best of Hindu’s, who have the brain, intellectuals would say good-bye to the BJP in for politics power greed, sowing the seeds of dissension between the two ,Hindu-Muslim, communities in India through Hindu extremists intolerance and fanaticism. All present Indian Muslims love India & live in peace with their Hindu neighbors. Indian Muslims actually live in harmony with Hindu’s but BJP wants to break Hindu-Muslim harmony. Muslims are poor in India, but Muslims are very happy to live in their country-India, India needs to provide Muslims more rights with more educational, social, financial and religious opportunities to build up India has well advanced county in the world. Indian Muslims loyal to India and Indian Hindu’s need to be loyal to Muslims to advance India forward, so Indian Muslim party says, ‘United we stand, divided we fall’. The Indian Muslim Party is against ‘discriminating based on region, tribes, languages, religion, etc. Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that that the last prophet of God, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Whoever rebels against obedience and splits away from the Jama’at and dies (in that state) has died a death of ignorance-Jahilliyah. Whoever fights for no real cause, getting angry for the sake of tribalism, calling for tribalism, or supporting tribalism, and is killed, dies in a state of ignorance-Jahilliyah. Whoever rebels against my Ummah, striking righteous and wicked alike, and does not spare the believers, and does not pay attention to anyone who has covenant of protection with the Muslims, he is not of me and I am not of him” [Sahih Muslim, Vol. 5]. “Do ita’at of Allah & Rasool-Allah (PBUH), if you are Mu’mineen وَأَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ إِنْ كُنتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ ”[ Holy Qur’an]. ‘Obey Allah-Rabb-God & the last Prophet of God Muhammad [s.a.w]. “Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do”[ Holy Qur’an]. ‘Hold tight to the unity of Allah-Rabb-God & don’t be divided between yourselves’… Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the last Messenger of God Messenger (PBUH) said, “If a man says to his (Muslim) brother, ‘O Kafir !’, then surely, one of them is such”[ Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 8, Hadith No. 6103]. The Indian Muslim Party is non-violence because it is based upon the teachings solely on Qur’an and Ahadith doctrine of Sufism Ahl Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah. So call Muslims who do not live by the teachings of Qur’an & Sunnah will ‘except disgrace in the life of this world’ [Holy Qur’an]. “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. Qur’an), and be not divided among yourselves…”[ Holy Qur’an,103:3]. Indian Muslim Party is non-violence but very strict adherence to Qur’an and Sunnah. “O you who believe; Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (PBUH), and those of you who are in authority. If you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination”[ Holy Qur’an, 59:4]. The Indian Muslim Party works for peace, love, harmony & good understanding between all Indians because Indian Muslim Party is spiritual party of Islamic spiritual science Sufism, which teaches to help one another & have human feelings for fellow humans of your country & good human feelings for fellow humans of the world. INDIAN Muslim PARTY was build on 4.4.1969 by its founder Khalifa-Sufism president-the greatest grand spiritual master of the world Khalifa Pir Dervish Fiqeer Sufi Sultan Mahmood Naqshbandi Qadiri, Chistiyya, Suhrawardi Awais al-Qarani Hanifah thought of Sufism Ahl Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah for Muslims of India to live in peace, harmony, love & with understandings of humanity in to be friendly to all humans of India. https://facebook/groups/786.I.M.P786A.M/[email protected]... https://facebook/groups/786.I.M.P786A.M/
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 20:23:27 +0000

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