The Indiana Supreme Court has handed down a 30-day suspension to a - TopicsExpress


The Indiana Supreme Court has handed down a 30-day suspension to a lawyer for making what they determined to be a biased comment. The state’s highest court found Joseph P. Barker to be, “using means in representing a client that have no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden a third person.” What horrendous thing did this attorney say to warrant a month long trip to the penalty box? While representing the father in a child visitation rights case Mr. Barker sent the following letter to the mother’s lawyer: [Father] told me this week that he has only seen his baby…one day all year. Your client doesn’t understand what laws and court orders mean I guess. Probably because she’s an illegal alien to begin with. I want you to repeat to her in whatever language she understands that we’ll be demanding she be put in JAIL for contempt of court. I’m filing a copy of this letter with the Court to document the seriousness of this problem. [emphasis in original letter] That’s it. The “illegal alien” comment and possibly the quip about the mother’s inability to understand English is what prompted the suspension. Barker argued that what he said was “legitimate advocacy” and tried to establish that the mother’s immigration status was connected to her failure to abide by the court mandated visitation order. This attorney didn’t use a racial slur. He didn’t make any disparaging remarks. He didn’t even make a threat. He was standing up to a woman who was disobeying a court order and he called it like he saw it. Is this what we’ve become? Are we now a society where a person can lose their ability to earn a living because he called someone exactly what they are? It’s obvious that this woman is in the country illegally, which by the very definition makes her an illegal alien. Is there some new politically correct term for illegal aliens that I don’t know about? Maybe: People Of Residentially Indeterminable Status (PORIS). I think with Congress pretending to debate the immigration issue and amnesty we should just call them: Nearly Legals. The bigger issue here is that we all being conditioned to accept the eventual order of amnesty and the tidal wave of further illegal immigration that will follow. There are no convincing arguments for unchecked immigration. There’s nothing you can say to make people believe that it’s a good thing for them and the country. The powers that want this to happen only have one option: the race card. They have to make everyone feel like racists for opposing it. If you believe that you are less safe because our streets are filled with criminals from Latin America, you’re a bigot. If you think we can no longer afford to subsidize people who enter this country illegally, you’re an ignorant redneck. If you worry that your culture is being destroyed at the hands of foreign invaders, you’re a hate-monger. This is institutionalized re-education. The right to think and say what you want can be taken away by twisting words and redefining their meanings. Normally when something bad happens to a lawyer I’m the first one looking for a high-five, but in Mr. Barker’s case, he got totally hosed. And he’s not the only one; we’re all getting hosed here. This is part of a calculated campaign to get us all to accept that America no longer belongs to Americans.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 11:20:16 +0000

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