The Inevitable Part 6 & 7 While in the ambulance her every - TopicsExpress


The Inevitable Part 6 & 7 While in the ambulance her every thought was of her son Hand pressed on her stomach knowing she was having another one They got to the hospital and they rushed him to the O.R. Everyone looked at the baby...mouth wide picturing the long scar A few hours later she got to see her son after the surgery I swear someone is trying to take his life away like a burglary But God dont want him yet, hes on this earth to do something special Is this really a specific kind of way how God tests you? Again her son survives another horrific ordeal She pinches herself like This cant be real The most powerful beings set on this planet Takes whatever comes to them until they cant stand it Women in general do things that a man cant Transformed to moms theyre more powerful then a chiefs chant Multiple stiches sewn in to bring his skin together They said hed have seizures throughout his bodys texture He has a scar from his forehead up past his hairline He was a preemie at birth he has a hill to climb So she starts thinking like everything is her fault Like shes a bad mother....she starts to have second thoughts She thinks..... What if the second baby comes and its the same thing? I cant go through this pain all over again She had plans in her head but she had to make them concrete Every woman wants to be married to their choldrens father to make life complete But sometimes it doesnt happen because someones not ready Then someone usually moves on to dance to another medly This time is different though because now she wants to leave Heartache is leaving heavy footprints so much she cannot breathe The time came when she had to take her son home Everyone wanted to be near...they were at the hospital or on the phone Home at never felt so good Holding her son to her heart her love was clearly understood She would talk with him, sing with him like he understood her words And he did.... Words were translated to love with every hug The unexplained bond between the two catapulted His father joined in on the love as it resulted The father did his share of crazy things but he loved his son As he held him the silent communication from day one For the baby to survive he needs love from them both Protection, Love & Guidance a few remedies for his growth.... Life always hands you different types of situations Brush past and stick to your stride and avoid temptations Trouble is easy to get into but hard to get out Watch the company you keep before you end up stressed out Domestic situations never turns out good Men putting theirs hands on women because they think they should Scarring them for life..self esteem rock bottom Got you thinking nobody wants you..youll be the next mans problem Overpowering a woman how can you feel good about that? Did your parents teach you anything? But your the realest on the map!! All you dudes are clowns and yeah you heard it from me Your a coward for putting your hands where theyre not suppose to be Kids follow your lead; some will become who you are They look up to you in life and you give them scars? People make mistakes but those choices are wrong How do you think your kids will feel when suddenly your gone?.... Four pounds and a few ounces he weighed at birth He was bigger then the average man by the time he got through his worst He was home with two scars laying around with his mom Quiet baby without a care her heartbeat kept him calm The love she has for him you cant explain it in words Miracle baby from the gate God gave him a surge First day of kindergarten he just kept to himself Floated around and played some but the important thing was his health His moms couldnt let go when it was time for school But he needed education so she decided it was cool He made friends with some kids even though he didnt talk much Something about him pulled you in because he didnt walk much Kindergarten was a breeze then he shot to first grade All of his friends moved up with him and together they played As time went by life took a change for the worst A decision had to be made so his mom thought of her child first.....
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 03:20:27 +0000

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