The Islamic Emirate initially displayed its Arab origin. This - TopicsExpress


The Islamic Emirate initially displayed its Arab origin. This organization sprang from Al-Qaeda in Iraq who fought not the US invaders, but Iraqi Shiites. It became the Islamic Emirate in Iraq and the Islamic Emirate in Iraq and the Levant. In October 2007, the US Army seized 606 records of foreign members of this organization near Sinjar. The records were inventoried and examined by experts from the Military Academy at West Point. However, a few days after the seizure, Emir al-Baghdadi said his organization included only 200 fighters and they were all Iraqis. This lie is comparable to that of other terrorist organizations in Syria who say they enrol only incidentally a few foreigners, while the Syrian Arab Army estimated at at least 250,000 the number of foreign jihadists who fought in Syria over the past three years. Moreover, Caliph Ibrahim (the new name of Amir al-Baghdadi) now claims that his organization is composed largely of foreigners and that Syrian territory is no longer for the Syrians and the Iraqi territory is no longer for Iraqis, but they are for his jihadists. According to records seized in Sinjar, 41% of foreign terrorists members of the Islamic Emirate of Iraq were Saudi nationals, 18.8% were Libyans, and only 8.2% were Syrians. If these figures are related to the population of each country, the people of Libya provided proportionately 2 times more fighters than that of Saudi Arabia and five times more than that of Syria. Regarding Syrian jihadists, their origin was dispersed in the country, but 34, 3% came from the city of Deir ez-Zor, which since the withdrawal of the Islamic Emirate of Raqqa, became the capital of the Caliphate. In Syria, Deir ez-Zor has the distinction of being populated predominantly by Sunni Arabs organized into tribes, and by Kurdish and Armenian minorities. However, until now, the United States has been only able to destroy states in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, that is to say, countries where the population is organised into tribes. They have failed elsewhere. From this point of view, Deir ez-Zor in particular and the North East of Syria in general can therefore potentially be conquered, but not the rest of the country, as seen over the past three years. - Thierry
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 02:13:00 +0000

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