The Islamic State of Iraq and Ash-Shaams full details on the - TopicsExpress


The Islamic State of Iraq and Ash-Shaams full details on the Battle of “The Last Ten Days” Liberation of Mennagh Air Base in the Wilayah of Aleppo بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The Almighty says: (Enter upon them by the gate, for when you have entered it you shall surely be victorious, and on Allah should you rely if you are believers) 23 Surah Al-Maeda الحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.. وبعد: In continuation for the qualitative operations that began within the Ghazwahs of the last ten days of Ramadan in Iraq and Al-Sham, the men of the Islamic State set out in their first epics planned within the stage of “Harvest of the Soldiers” that began in the middle of the blessed month of Ramadan. This time the Ghazwah targeted the Minnag military airport in the Northern Aleppo countryside which was besieged for more than 9 months, and it was an important reason for strengthening the Nusayri army and its pockets in the Northern region and the continuity in harming the Muslims in the city of Aleppo and countryside, the Ghazwah began with a preliminary bombing by the men of support with the artillery and mortar shells and heavy machine guns for three continuous days. After the exhaustion of fortified enemy in the buildings of the airport and disrupting their plans the first vanguards of the assaulters set out in the morning of Monday corresponding 27 Ramadan 1434 A.H., at the head of the convoy a lion who migrated from the Peninsula of Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, driving an armored BMP vehicle heavy with its carrying from explosive substances, and Allah facilitated for the brother to enter the main command buildings of the airport under a cover from intensive shelling that continued for several hours that made the enemy lose the initiative to use tanks and heavy machine guns that defend the headquarters. The big explosion of the vehicle led to a huge destruction in the location, and it was followed directly by the entrance of the storming groups from three sides towards the center, and the clash and combing continued from morning to midnight, where all the targets were seized and tens from the soldiers of the regime were killed and imprisoned, and the airport was completely liberated with all its facilities Alhamdulillah, and some of the brigades that were stationed to besiege the airport in that past months participated in this operation. This blessed operation comes after two days from the qualitative operation that was led by the Islamic State on the last dens of the Nusayris in the region, when the heroes of the security detachments stormed Saturday night corresponding 25 Ramadan the city of Nubul and Al-Zahara under the cover of the night and Allah facilitated for them to reach their targets deep in the fortified city where more than 50 elements from the Shabiha and forces of the regime and its supporters, and before withdrawal from the region they seized what Allah managed them to carry from their arms surrounded by the care, protection and guidance of Allah. Alhamdulillah for his success and guidance, and we ask Allah to accept the action of our brother the martyrdom seeker and others who participated in the Ghazwah, and increase their reward which He promised His slaves, He is worthy of this plead and is able to bring this pass. And we say to the criminal Safavid and Nusayri Rafidah: what you saw in Iraq and Al-Sham these days is an example for what is waiting for you, so wait for what you hate and what is coming Allah willing is more crushing and bitter. Allah Akbar Ministry of Information / The Islamic State in Iraq and Al-Sham
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 14:14:44 +0000

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