The Issue of Tithing – Part 3: The Concept of Divine - TopicsExpress


The Issue of Tithing – Part 3: The Concept of Divine Ownership! Gen. 1:1; Psalm 24:1; Rev. 4:11, Colo. 1:16-17 Sequel to our last two discussions in our quest to gain divine insights on the salient issue on how to respond to our maker on the subject of giving back to Him what HE has graciously committed into our care as His handiwork ( Eph. 2:10), we came to a point in the last discussion that God’s original intention was not the LAW written on tablets of stones but seek to engraft HIS whole counsel in the heart of man so that man can be exactly what HE initially want him to be in His own likeness. More so, we saw very profoundly that the law was only HIS remedial programmes to guide man until the perfection of ALL things comes in Christ Jesus our Lord (Matt.5:17; I Cor. 13:10). Meanwhile, we want to state very equivocally that this discussion is not holistic in its approach in elucidating what the whole counsel of God is on the subject matter. However, it was in a quest to seek God’s face for HIS original master plan on how we should serve in acceptably in truth and holiness in a our own personal quest for revival. It should be noted that we are not actually responding to any religious age-long dogma of any kind and we are not indeed set out to laying a new foundation or ideology intending to change the ancient landmarks in the divine oracle. Whereas we are truly aware that this obed truth will definitely confront some of our religious views and age-long myopic knowledge on this subject matter, we want to state very categorically that God is not a respecter of person (James 2:9) and God’s word cannot be divided. His word is forever settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89). Though men changes and seasons and time passed away, God’s word abides forever (Matt. 24:35; I John 2:17) and HE will not lower the shekel of His truth for any man or generation (Lev. 27:25). We must seek to come with an open mind to glean instructions from the throne of grace for our life in other to serve Him without any reproach in our days here on this side of eternity. It is our utmost plea with God that this truth will come to us as a REVELATION that will set out life aright for him and not just a mere HEAD KNOWLEDGE and teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Matt. 15:9; I Cor. 2:4-5)! May the Lord grant our hearts’ cry! As we began to dived into the issue of giving our all to God and not just a portion and noting also that it was the tithes of ALL they gave even in the old testament where the issue of tithing was practised, it became very clear in our spirit that understanding the concept of divine ownership is very crucial for us to fully gain insight to what our response must be to our creator with whatever HE has given us and will ever commit into our custody. As clearly stated in our text “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1:1).....The earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof; the world, and THEY that dwell therein (Psalm 24:1)............Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created ALL THINGS and for THY PLEASURE they are and were created (Rev. 4:11)’’ anything that exist here on planet earth and in heaven both mankind and or all living and non-living things were created by God for Him and Him alone. Even spirits, powers, principalities and dominions were all under His supremacy (Colo. 1:16-17). It is in Him that all things consist. Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour is the founder of all things (John 1:1-4). Without Him was nothing made! A critical understanding of this obed truth as a revelation is very germane for us to be able to surrender our ALL TO HIM without any struggle or complain. This was the understanding men of old (especially the early church) had that made them release their whole being to sought after God and served Him with whatever HE releases into their possession without any grudge of self acclamation (Acts. 2:44-47; 4:32-37). If we are going to serve God acceptably and see Him restores HIS revival once again back into His church, our response to this obed truth of giving back to HIM our ALL cannot be compromise! To give Him a portion of ALL will not suffix and giving part of our life to Him will not meet His standard. He owns our life, our talents and gifts, our abilities and capabilities, our resources of whatever grades. In fact without mincing words, ALL THINGS BELONG TO HIM AND HIM ALONE! “For who maketth thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?’’ is the rhetoric question heaven is placing before us. The truth is that unless this became our understanding about whatsoever God has graciously placed in our custody, we cannot comprehend the demand of God for our ALL as opposed to His remedial programme of percentage giving back to Him as practised in the law. The new Testament believer must come to this age-long desire of God of His LORSHIP over his/her life and His divine prerogative to control ALL he/she possesses for him/her to serve God acceptably. To give God any percentage is to rob HIM of His right and ownership (II Cor. 5:14-15) and not just the lamentation of prophet Malachi as seen in Mala. 3:8! It is quite really unfortunate today that the church of God has degenerated so low and her members are parochial and myopic in their understanding to think what God’s demand is a portion of their ALL. To settle for that illusion is never to gain access unto the TRUE RICHES OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD (we will trust Him to give us insight on this as it pleases HIM). The present day church has been deprived of this abundant and prosperous nature of God and has gone into diverse beggarly means to raise fund to accentuate and accomplish God’s responsibility in her discharge. I humbly dare to state profoundly once again that God has got His own standard for Biblical service! The dynamics of how His work must be done, who to do it and how it must be sustained and financed to fulfilment are quite plan in His word. However, we must also note that whatsoever God has not initiated, He will not be part of it and will not be responsible for its sustenance. It therefore behoves us to cry to Him to give us a proper perspectives of how to serve Him acceptably in our life time especially as we seek to see a new dawn of another revival that will usher in His eminent return! I sensed we need to also take another break at this juncture as we commit our hearts to ponder of this age-long truth revealed to us once again by His mercy. Shalom.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:08:36 +0000

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