The JOURNEY - 2 Cor.1:9-11 - Delivered - Many thoughts go through - TopicsExpress


The JOURNEY - 2 Cor.1:9-11 - Delivered - Many thoughts go through our mind when we stop to think about certain words. Some words take the form of other descriptive words. This is one of those words. Ive watched interviews with people that were delivered from some type of terrible peril. Maybe it was being trapped in house fire or submerged vehicle. If youve heard the accounts of people taken prisoner and someone came to their rescue. They all have the same undertone of complete gratitude that they lived to tell about it. Paul is speaking of that but he takes it a step farther. He relays what it did for him and those around him. Whatever the situation was that Paul was referring to, he was letting everyone know where his deliverance came from - Christ! We have a tendency to rely on our quick wittedness and savvy sometimes. Our intellect and ingenuity can make us feel as if we are in control and even superior in certain situations. Ive heard ministers speak about Gods favor as if it were some time of good luck charm in awkward circumstances. Apparently Paul himself had some insight on the matter. He must have developed a too much confidence in himself. Its easy for us believers to get on a roll and think were untouched by the challenges of life, even death. Paul was saying that when he felt the brush of death, it hit him, hed become too self-reliant. Over confident and presumptuous in his own ability to get through any situation on his own. That encounter with death woke him up to the reality that God is still the one that we must rely on and put our hope in. Our hope cannot be in self to be delivered. Only God can deliver. The TV ministers that promote their ability to deliver; please dont put your hope in them. They have no special power. Paul said that he saw the role the prayers of the saints played. I have several people that I totally trust to pray for me and Id rather have them pray for me than any TV preacher personality. Our trust and faith sometime end up in the wrong place. We are delivered by the hand of an almighty God and no other. Were watched and cared for by the King of this universe. He knows and sees all and is there all the time. Ever had a real brush with death and felt the internal sick feeling as it was happening? I sure have. When it was over I wasnt patting myself on the back for my superior driving skills. I paused to thank God for delivering me. Ever been passed up when layoffs came? Ever had the doctor to tell you that all the test came back clear? Ever heard the doctor say They made it! Theres no greater feeling than to have a sinking heart pulled up out of drowning desperation and hope restored because of the power of Christ! Hes our hope and deliverer! Always remember that He and He alone delivers so stop to thank Him and take time to thank those that have prayed for you.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 10:43:25 +0000

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