The Japanese whaling season and dolphin drives end, and now the - TopicsExpress


The Japanese whaling season and dolphin drives end, and now the Canadian seal hunt begins. The shark slaughtering continues, as do any myriad of torturous animal practices, on the mothers land and in her sacred waters. There are no words to precisely illustrate how despicable and disrespectful all this is ~ to the innocent animals targeted; to mother nature who provides the air that we breathe and the ground we feed from; and to the spirit of our elders who lived in harmony with the land and carved the pathway of survival for us. This new moon in Aries is a potent opportunity for every individual to reconnect with their own sense of response~ability and conscience, and step up into the realm of higher mind, divine heart and source consciousness. Any ritual you can do and any prayers you can send around the globe, anchored from within your own deep altered and meditative state, will be answered, magnified and received. Please tap into your warrior fire and passionate determination and channel flames of divine heart energy wherever and to whomever you sense to. Chant boldly, loudly and with love, NO MORE!, This ends NOW!, ENOUGH! or anything else you intuit to speak. More univerasl energy is flowing our way right now, an influx of ascension portals and opportunities to awaken are opening up this month, heralded by two eclipses, one lunar (April 15) and one solar (April 29). Visit Lynda Hills page for an expert astrological explanation. We are living in a time of major metamorphosis, planetary and humanity restructuring; it is not time to sit by idly or ignorantly. Please do what you can to help shift mancruel, back into its true nature ~ manKIND ~ so we can restore peace to this beautiful home we all share. Namaste
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:00:05 +0000

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