The Jehovahs Witnesses, are they a cult? Well decide for - TopicsExpress


The Jehovahs Witnesses, are they a cult? Well decide for yourself... First, what makes a Cult? Well, the issue is a complicated one. The word has become imbued with such a negative energy that it can hardly be used in anything but an accusatory manner. There is no simple litmus test to tell that one group is or is not a cult, but there are some guidelines that we can use to see if a group is using cult-like methods to maintain control of a population. The more of these methods they use, the more cult-like (qualified) they are . 1.) Absolute authority with no accountability and a Monopoly on truth. If there is a powerful central authority figure who cannot be questioned, and whose word on an issue is final and absolute, these are signs of a cult. If the authority is not subject to local laws and is able to absolve you of civil penalties and is the only source of the true and right information, these are signs of a cult. 2.) No tolerance for critical inquiry. Questions are either met with contempt, condescension, or ridicule. An atmosphere of questioning is not fostered and there is little dialogue. Sometimes actual inquiry is replaced with leading questions to create the illusion of dialogue. 3.) Unreasonable fear of the outside world (impending doom, persecution). Us v Them mentality. Members of the group are taught that the outside world is to be feared. They are doomed, while we possess something special that will save us; they are out to get us and can contaminate us and compromise our favoured position. 4.) Deserters are always wrong, evil, the worst kind of enemy. Departure is traumatic. Apostates must be shunned, they have been deceived or have sold their integrity and are now part of a conspiracy to destroy the group. They have seen the light and decided to turn away, thus they are fair game for any retribution we can inflict upon them since they are our most powerful enemies. They are as Satan himself. 5.) Followers can never be “good enough” Black/white world. Demand for purity. Restrictions are raised ever higher, there are always more demands made for dedication. There is always a carrot on a stick that is just out of reach. Since the members can never be good enough, their guilt can be harnessed to keep them in line. Broken promises can be blamed on lack of dedication and purity. 6.) Influence with shame, guilt and peer pressure. They can influence your behavior through your own emotions and the collective pressure of the group. 7.) Lack of individuality (pressure to be a homogenous culture) Members are encouraged to be as much the same as is possible. In extreme cases they will all dress alike and get the same haircuts, but there are more subtle expressions of this: getting people to talk similarly, say similar phrases, eat the same foods, watch the same movies, play the same games, etc. 8.) Fostering dependency (social, economic, spiritual) They may try and cut you off from other support systems (families, friends, etc.) and encourage you to live in a commune-like environment, so you are dependent on them for everything. 9.) Claims of exalted status. They may claim you are special and/or chosen above others in the world. They will play on our inherent need to think we are better than others. Your exalted status means that you have more expected of you, you will have to prove yourself. 10.) Troubling ideologies deemed too “sacred” to talk about. They will generally not be upfront about what they believe. Troubling beliefs will be brought to your attention gradually, once you are already inside. The first impressions of the group may be very simple and accessible, with a very slick PR-style presentation. 11.) Ends justify the means mentality. You may be asked to do things that are obviously wrong, but you will be told that they are necessary to bring about a greater good. You may need to tell lies to expose the truth, or harm someone to save them. 12.) New language. Jargon and loaded words. This will reinforce the group identity and help you to bond by sharing a language that minimizes independent thought and can quickly label things as evil or good. Outsiders can be labeled immediately with loaded words.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:27:00 +0000

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