The Jewish ceremony of circumcision has value only if you obey - TopicsExpress


The Jewish ceremony of circumcision has value only if you obey God’s law. But if you don’t obey God’s law, you are no better off than an uncircumcised Gentile. And if the Gentiles obey God’s law, won’t God declare them to be his own people? In fact, uncircumcised Gentiles who keep God’s law will condemn you Jews who are circumcised and possess God’s law but don’t obey it. Romans 2:25-27 (NLT) Circumcision refers to the sign of God’s special covenant with His people. The Jews were required to submit to this act in Genesis 17:9-14: “Then God said to Abraham, “Your responsibility is to obey the terms of the covenant. You and all your descendants have this continual responsibility. This is the covenant that you and your descendants must keep: Each male among you must be circumcised. You must cut off the flesh of your foreskin as a sign of the covenant between me and you. From generation to generation, every male child must be circumcised on the eighth day after his birth. This applies not only to members of your family but also to the servants born in your household and the foreign-born servants whom you have purchased. All must be circumcised. Your bodies will bear the mark of my everlasting covenant. Any male who fails to be circumcised will be cut off from the covenant family for breaking the covenant.” According to Paul, being circumcised meant nothing if the person did not obey God’s laws. On the other hand, the uncircumcised would receive God’s love and approval if the kept the law’s requirements. Paul went on to say that a real Jew, one who pleases God, is not someone who has been circumcised outwardly, but someone whose heart is right with God and obeys Him, in other words a Jew inwardly. A lot of false teachers today are telling people just say the sinner’s prayer and you are saved. Does that really make them a disciple of Jesus Christ? Just as people were circumcised may not be really Jews, people who just say the prayer may not be Christians. They need to repent and turn from their sins and obey God’s Word. Are you really a Christian if you constantly use His name in vain, lie, steal and abuse others? If we are truly Christians we will live with Christ characteristics and proclaim His name.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:18:17 +0000

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