The Jewish community seems to be divided into sects, and many take - TopicsExpress


The Jewish community seems to be divided into sects, and many take extreme positions that seem counter to Chazal. They excuse it with if your judges tell you right is left.... However, isnt that with a Sanhedrin or at least with a dayan who is in touch with the greater world!? I dont see how rabbis who entirely ban cell phones, computers, or Internet should be paskening for all of klal Yisrael. When I hear that a gadol gave a psak that a smartphone is not chayav in hashavas aveyda, it calls into question his aptitude to be a poseik at all. He probably doesnt understand about technology. Its as if he bans getting married because he has no shimush in maros nida or because of safeik sefeyka of arayos. One cannot entirely ban going to the shuk to shop or walking down the street. Not everything with risks should be or can be entirely banned. The individual still bears responsibility for his/her actions. The institution of rabbi cannot legislate common sense or good intentions or yiras shamayim, nor should beis din be a micromanaging nanny. What we need is simply good chinuch, parental attention and lots of davening with tears.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:51:40 +0000

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