The Jobs We Dont Want To Do. Acts 10 , where Simon Peter is - TopicsExpress


The Jobs We Dont Want To Do. Acts 10 , where Simon Peter is being assigned by His boss to do an unpleasant chore. Peter has been preaching Christ to Jewish audiences who knew the Scriptures and respected Gods laws. Now, God wants Peter to now reach out to go to the house of Cornelius, a Roman military leader, to reach out to this Gentile. Now Peters lifelong feeling about Gentiles could be summed up in one word - yuck! They didnt know the Bible; they ate what the Jewish law called unclean foods; they lived outside Gods laws. Well, God sends Peter a vision to prepare him for this job he is not going to want to do. Its a vision of a sheet with animals that Peter, as a Jew, considers unclean to eat. Acts 10:13 - Then a voice told him, Get up, Peter, Kill and eat. Surely not, Lord! Peter replied. I have never eaten anything impure or unclean. The voice spoke to him a second time, Do not call anything impure that God has made clean. This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven. Well, immediately Peter finds at his door men who have come to invite him to the house of Cornelius, the Gentile. The Bible says, Peter said to the men, Im the one youre looking for...Then Peter invited the men into the house to be his guests. And the next day hes off to meet Cornelius. God gave Peter a job he really didnt want to do. But Peter knew who the Boss was, and that the One who pays you decides the job youll do. Peter obeyed, and it led to some amazing results. Now maybe God has given you an unpleasant chore, and youre balking, It could be God is leading you to befriend a person who isnt very attractive, who may be pretty demanding. Or the assignment may be to share Christ with someone who isnt much fun to be around or is hard to talk to; or to minister to a group of people that you find irritating or even repulsive; possibly to work closely with someone who is definitely not your type. Whatever the job you dont feel like doing, tell the Lord your reservations - like Peter. Then go ahead and do it anyway . And like Peter, youll probably get some important results - in what it will do for them and how it will grow you. Im really glad Jesus doesnt just hang around with people who are His type - you and I wouldnt stand a chance. No, He will reward you generously for doing the unpleasant chores, the ones that will stretch you.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 11:20:25 +0000

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