The John Institute of African Politics and Society has observed - TopicsExpress


The John Institute of African Politics and Society has observed with admiration, the skills of statesmanship and statecraft that President John Dramani Mahama has brought to the highest office of the land. According to the institute, President Mahama had exhibited and continues to exhibit a steadiness of purpose, equanimity of temperament and the demeanour of a consummate diplomat marking him out as a great and seasoned politician. A statement signed by Mr Colin Essamuah, spokesperson of John Institute, therefore, lauded the President for his successful completion of one year in office as the President and Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces of Ghana. Then Vice-President John Mahama was sworn into office by the Chief Justice on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 as President, following the sudden demise of President Evans Atta Mills. According to the institute, it is mindful of the extremely tragic circumstances that brought John Mahama into office as ‘’our President on that sad Tuesday of July 24, 2012 when as Vice President, he was thrust into office unceremoniously as our President.’’ According to the institute, in spite of the deep pall of grief and sadness that overwhelmed the nation, President Mahama proved able and willing as a skillful leader to pull all of us together to give a fitting funeral to the late departed President, and went on to provide a leadership of purpose and determination to a nation divided on the eve of a general election that he himself took part as a leader and presidential candidate of the ruling National Democratic Congress. It also said it was a very dicey political tightrope that he walked on with dexterity and confidence, nurtured by his years of experience as a legislator, minister of state, and as vice-president. The institute observed that it was true that the results of the 2012 election are being contested in the courts of the land, ‘’but we are solidly persuaded that the peace we enjoy as a nation in the face of these controversies should be attributed to the leadership of patriotism, purpose and principle that President Mahama is offering at this moment in our history as a democratic nation,’’ it stressed. Even as we mourn the first anniversary of the passing of our much beloved Professor Atta Mills, the institute said Ghanaians must give thanks to God that he left this country in the competent hands of President Mahama. Finally, the institute stated that it must be borne in mind that the John Institute has been named after the three gentlemen who have held high the flag of social democratic principles in this country. They are President Jerry John Rawlings, John Atta Mills and John Dramani Mahama. ‘’That we have been able to successfully traverse this period, hold peaceful elections and managed a smooth transition, is testimony to the personal leadership skills of our President, and we take justifiable pride in extending to him our heartiest congratulations and gratitude,” the institute concluded.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 08:59:26 +0000

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