The Johns of our presidency are being hit by the law of - TopicsExpress


The Johns of our presidency are being hit by the law of diminishing returns. They are gradually running out of ideas. John Rawlings from nowhere had a small beginning and got to his peak, soon he left the scene and John Kuffour took over and showed leadership, wisdom in leadeship, economic competence, gained international recognition and built good reputation, among others. John Mills started well and Ghanaians were hopeful that things would get better under better Ghana Agenda. Probably due to reasons best known to the late Prof and John Mahama, things started falling apart. As for the reigning John hmmm, the least said about him the better. BEWARE OF THE JOHNS for they are fading or diminishing in terms of leadership skills and ideas to transform the economy of Ghana.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:44:06 +0000

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