The Journal has printed a story today that -- again -- attacks me - TopicsExpress


The Journal has printed a story today that -- again -- attacks me for advocating for others, in this case an employee in the communications office who was being harassed about her mothers friendship with me and the folks who are running Stand4KidsNM Facebook and Twitter feeds. The email I sent was to the director of communications -- the employees boss -- and to Superintendent Winter. I always cc: the superintendent on any communications with employees. The email followed a phone conversation I had with Dr. Winter about my concerns. After I called Dr. Winter to express my concerns, this supervisor was harassing the employee AGAIN --- calling her into her office and asking her more questions about her relationship with Stand4KidsNM. When I was told by the employee about the further inquiries coming from this supervisor, I advised the employee that it is unconstitutional for her boss to ask her any questions about her after-duty hours and how she spends them. Its even more egregious to ask about an employees family member and his/her activities. My email went to TWO people I had a problem with. I outlined my concerns and reiterated the rights of the employee. Yesterday, the boss of this employee -- a month after I sent the initial email -- and two weeks before Election Day (sound fishy?) -- sent her accusation against me to the entire board and it just somehow also got to the Journal. Folks, I have been very effective in spreading the truth behind the education policies hurting our schools and I am a very effective advocate for so many people -- within APS and outside of APS. There is a direct line between a few folks at APS to Editor Kent Walz and they do conspire to come up with other twists to the facts. How do all the emails that I send wind up on the editors desk? Other board members emails never do! Here is the email I sent to the Director of Communications and to Superintendent Winter. This is the whole email that you wont read in the Journal. I also notice the Journal doesnt ask the question: Is it a violation of a persons constitutional rights when a supervisor asks about his/her friendships/associations outside of the duty day -- without any evidence that the employee is violating any workplace policies related to such activity??? ____________________________________________________ Hello, I will reiterate to you now -- and we can meet again after the election -- my points. I understand you know its Maralyn and her mother we are talking about here. So Ill use Maralyns name in this email and not beat about the bush any longer. I also understand that you have asked Maralyn some questions this week. Whether she is afraid of speaking out is not my business. I have advised her to seek legal counsel. I will reiterate the points I made to Dr. Winter yesterday: 1. You nor anyone on your staff should be asking anyone else in APS -- employed within your office or outside of your office -- if they or their family members have any affiliations with Stand4Kids, my campaign or me. 2. You nor anyone in your staff should not be trying to figure out who is behind the S4K twitter feed. It is NOT an APS employee, I can tell you that. And it is none of anyones business what we are doing with S4K. 3. The S4K twitter feed has done nothing negative against APS. On the contrary, it retweets good APS news in our efforts to show the good of public schools. Asking whom is actually the S4K twitter overseer is again none of you nor your staffs business. 4. If Analee is complaining about the S4K Twitter feed that APS twitter follows, she only knows APS follows S4K because someone has told her because Analee is not a Twitter user. So if Analee is complaining about the S4K Tweets being followed by APS -- who the heck cares? And if Analee is complaining, I smell a political rat. They seem to be coming out of all dark areas lately. 5. Any APS employee may be affiliated with political campaigns, me, Stand4KidsNM, the Dem Party, the GOP Party -- whatever they want -- and take part in those activities in their off-duty time. If Maralyn has violated APS policy by using APS equipment or APS time to do Stand4Kids retweeting then you can certainly say something about that and document it. But if Maralyn has done ONLY APS business on her APS time, then she is not to be questioned about anything related to me or S4K. If Maralyn has retweeted MY TWEETS for APS -- it has been strictly my APS news -- NOT my Stand4Kids news. If you can find an incident in which she retweeted my S4K news, then you can certainly say something about that to her -- and document it if necessary. IF you are requiring Maralyn to account for all her activities in each of her workdays -- where she goes, what she does, etc. -- then I have advised Maralyn that she get from you in writing the reason for such a punitive-like request. If it is diciplinary in look and nature, then the discipline should be documented and Maralyn should have due process rights in protesting any such disciplinary action. I do hate meddling in APS employee affairs. However, seeing that Analee and Marty and other board members do this freely, I hope that this one incident of me getting involved is taken in the context that I take it: Serious enough to know that political forces are out there against me and anyone affiliated with me -- even within APS. The retaliation against me has been severe and swift, and I am not going to take lightly anyone associated with me on their own time feeling fear about their job because they or their mother are involved with me and Stand4KidsNM. If this email is not clear enough, then I am happy to meet -- AFTER my election. Until then, know that I have advised Maralyn to seek legal counsel and to seek in writing any explanation for what appears to be punitive actions against her by you or anyone in the office. Thank you, Kathy
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 14:39:50 +0000

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