The Judgment Every time you empathize the pains of - TopicsExpress


The Judgment Every time you empathize the pains of Nirbhaya And that of her bold boy friend falling prey To the rapist murderers; and the agony – The horror of the episode magnifies in mind In thousand ways when imagining yourself Or a dear of yours in place of the twin-victims; And desire to have complete authority To sit on judgment or just to punish The criminals in a matching proportion – Many more questions touching one’s sensibilities, Away from those of the victim’s and victim’s kiths and kins, rise. Despite the hurt and shocked national sentiment; Despite the enormous judicial ferocity In seeing to award punishment meant For rarest of the rare conditions of crimes -- Launching a murderous attack on man Resisting molestation of his companion; Then making the girl unconscious with Another murderous attack to gang-raping her in turn And the youngest of the criminals resorting Even to pulling out the exposed victim’s intestines, While violating her chastity even in that state-- One thing this nation of endlessly hurt sentiments; One thing this nation of souls writhing in pains; One thing this nation of justice seeking righteous souls; One thing this nation of worried relatives and citizens; Must ask before blundering into a sigh of relief; Before vindictively making a sign of victory To mark the conquer of the public psyche over The the pain of losing a struggle against death and crimes is – Where have we gone wrong as a society As to end up raising such beings as these four? Do we need to look back at ourselves As the reason for letting grow such poisons? Do we need to check if the causes lie in us; And what all we need to do is sterilizing The social soil on which breed such weeds? And, does it suffice that just the parents of the criminals, Like the one who recommended death sentence to his son, Feel sorry for having given birth to and reared such animals; Does it suffice that in unison a billion voices condemn The cursed souls to dismembering, even rarer sentence; Does it suffice that in unison a billion minds condemn The abominable perverts to an equal or more gruesome treat; Does it suffice that in unison a billion sights cast Looks of hatred, anger, and terror of no limits? No, no, and no – you must say, O my countrymen. For in these creatures we must see our own heartlessness; For in these devils we must see our own dehumanizing misdeeds; For in these devils we must our conscienceless conducts. We must holler like the parents hit by children’s misdeeds; We must stand guilty of the crime along with these criminals; We must stand guilty of the crime along with their parents; We must stand guilty of having to resort to such cure; And hang our heads in shame for having to resort To social survival means that are devoid of Love, compassion, and understanding; And thereby are as senseless like the criminals. And now, after having suffered all these miseries, Let’s gather courage to shed a tear or two Standing with the parents and kiths and kins Of those damned humans whose misdeeds Have doomed themselves to such endless births Of agony as to extract our compassion and prayers For enabling them cross over to the other end, Leaving behind their haunted and cursed existence.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 14:18:45 +0000

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