The Justice of God ::: The justice of God flows out of another - TopicsExpress


The Justice of God ::: The justice of God flows out of another attribute of God--namely, the righteousness of God. The fact that God is righteous also means that God always does what is ethically right and utterly virtuous. “The LORD is righteous in everything He does.” Daniel 9:14 The fact that God is righteous means that He cares about His creation operating righteously. This forms the foundation for a second attribute of God--namely, His justice. The fact that God is just means that God is committed to repaying every act of unrighteousness ever done here on earth with appropriate payback. ”Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. For whatever a person sows, that is precisely what they will reap.” Galatians 6:7 “Therefore, by human effort, no one will ever become righteous in Gods sight.” Romans 3:20 “But now, a way to be righteous in Gods sight apart from human effort has been made available to us.” Romans 3:21 “This righteous standing in Gods sight comes through faith in Jesus Christ, to all who believe.”Romans 3:22 [The cross enables God] “. . . to be just and at the same time to acquit those who have faith in Jesus Christ.” Romans 3:26 Here on earth, even as followers of Jesus Christ, Galatians 6:7 applies to us just like it does to nonbelievers in Christ. #1 – Because God is righteous--He cares about His creation operating righteously #2 – Because God is just, He will see to it that justice is done for every unrighteous deed ever committed here on earth even if this occurs in the afterlife #3 – Because God is God, nobody is ever going to escape His righteous judgment As followers of Jesus Christ, how should our understanding that “God is just” change the way we respond to peoples unrighteous treatment of us? ”Do not allow (other peoples) evil to overcome you but overcome their evil with good.” Romans 12:21 As followers of Jesus Christ, when people hurt us, God is asking us to “keep entrusting ourselves to God” (1 Pet 2:23) because He has promised to see to it that justice is done. When we obey God and handle people who mistreat us like this, two great things happen: #1 – God will do a far better job of avenging the wrong done to us than we could ever do #2 – We keep our hands clean
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:42:21 +0000

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