The #Khilafah was a state which showed exemplary tolerance towards - TopicsExpress


The #Khilafah was a state which showed exemplary tolerance towards minorities and which set a shining example for the treatment of minorities under the rule of Islam so much so that its worst enemies were forced to give its example as a standard to emulate. Voltaire, the champion of secular anti-religious thought, wrote about the famed tolerance in Islamic lands in his ‘Treatise on Tolerance’: Let us reach out from our narrow little sphere for a moment, and examine what goes on in the rest of the globe. The Turkish prince, for example, rules peacefully over twenty races of different religious conviction; two hundred thousand Greeks live in Constantinople in perfect safety, and the Mufti himself nominates and presents the Greek patriarch to his emperor; there is even a Roman Catholic patriarch living there. The Sultan nominates Catholic bishops to some of the Greek islands, with the following words: ‘I commend him to go and reside as bishop on the isle of Chios in accordance with its ancient customs and vain ceremonies’. This empire is stuffed with Jacobites, Nestorians, Monothelites, Coptics, Christians of St John, Jews, Gebers and Banians. The annals of Turkey bear no record of a revolt raised by any of these religious communities. Go to India, to Persia, to Tartary, and you will find the same evidence of tolerance and mutual respect. The Khilafah is a state in which the divine law is implemented.It is a state in which every citizen of the State is equal before the law, whether he/she is a Muslim or a Non-Muslim. If only we are able to objectively study Islamic history and can see past the orientalist attempts to distort the mighty Islamic Civilization we would come to realize that it was only under the Islamic State, that humanity really prospered as a whole. Central Contact Committee - Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan fb/ccc.pakistan
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 09:27:27 +0000

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