The Killer Croc fight scene from Madness Is Spelled L.O.V.E, my - TopicsExpress


The Killer Croc fight scene from Madness Is Spelled L.O.V.E, my Joker story. (Keep in mind, this is an excerpt, not a full chapter.) Hope you enjoy it! A familiar and scary laugh echoes throughout the warehouse, causing everyone to turn in every direction and point their guns. Killer Croc sniffs the air and catches the scent, then walks a few steps and sees Joker walking towards him. Joker has suspenders over his bare chest, hooked to stained purple pants over worn out black and white dress shoes. Croc growls lightly as Joker gets within a few feet. Croc ol boy, you look different, did you do something to your scales this morning? Joker jabs sarcastically and Croc growls. Lotta money if I bring Black Mask your head. Croc grins with a hideous snarl. So Ive heard, but I have a counter offer to propose. Joker states with his hands up and a quirky smile on his scarred face. Croc raises a scaly eyebrow and Joker steps closer to the beast. If you leave now, and let me kill all these little peons that work for Sionis, I wont skin you and wear it as a vest. Jokers smile fades instantly to a calm and sinister stare. Killer Croc laughs heartily before snarling loudly and swinging at Joker. Joker ducks, pulls two knives from behind his back and quickly stabs Croc in the gut and back with both. Croc turns and looks at Joker with a ferocious growl. He screams and tries to tackle Joker, but receives another 2 knife wounds to his torso. Youve gotten slow, is it arthritis? Joker asks, then Croc goes for another swipe at Joker, only to receive more punctures to his upper body. Can crocodiles even get arthritis? Joker asks aloud, looking curious. Croc finally catches Joker with a strong backhand that sends the clown flying into a box of fish. Whooo, bout time big boy! Joker yells, then hops up and dashes at Croc with his knives out. Croc dives at Joker and they slam into a semi-truck with incredible force. Joker drops a knife but manages to bury the other deep in Crocs back. Croc howls in pain and throws Joker nearly 10 feet away after hitting him a couple times in the face. Joker slides across the slick warehouse floor and spits blood with a smile. That it, Croc ol boy? A few hits and a good throw? I expected so much more out of you. Joker chuckles and frowns after. Killer Croc growls again and the two square off, exchanging blows and dodging others in rapid succession. Croc finally kicks Joker into a group of Black Masks men, knocking them over like bowling pins. Joker quickly grabs one of their guns and sprays them with a hail of gunfire, killing them all. Bonus points! Joker screams, excitement rife in his voice. He then turns and fires the remaining bullets at Croc, which barely graze his thick, scaly skin. When the gun clicks, Croc laughs his disgusting laugh and Joker frowns for a second before rolling out of the way of Crocs bull rush. Croc bashes through crates of fish, sending them everywhere, his roar echoes throughout the warehouse. Joker goes for another gun, only to receive a foul kick from the beast. He rolls away but Croc grabs him, picks him up and throws him through the wall of a nearby office. Dazed, Joker looks around quickly to regain his bearings. Just as he does, he sees Crocs massive hand grab him and bring him back out for more hits to the face. Joker grabs Crocs head with both hands and knees him in the face as hard as he can, causing Croc to drop him. Joker breathes ragged, uneven breaths and spots his dropped knife through blurry eyes. Croc stumbles a bit and Joker knees him again; this time in the ribs, breaking several in.the process. Croc drops to one knee and Joker kicks him as hard as possible in the face, dropping him completely to his chest, where Joker stomps on his head repeatedly until he runs out of breath and stumbles away towards the knife. Croc grunts and slowly rises to his hands and knees by the time Joker grips the knife with eager fingers. Blood from both of them paints a vivid and disturbing scene around the warehouse. Joker sighs as he walks back up to Killer Croc. Waylon, you sir are giant, ugly pain in the ass. Joker wheezes through shoddy breaths. Croc growls lowly in nasty breaths of his own and Joker quickly stabs him several times in the side with ferocious speed and force. Crocs blood pours out of the wounds and spills onto Jokers shoes and pants. After Joker takes a breath, he stabs Croc more, this time asking a word with every puncture. WHERE!? IS!? BLACK!? MASK!? Anger fills his roars and Croc wheezes as his lung is ripped open and his guts begin slipping out of the now massive wounds on his side. Bits of bone can be seen in the blood and intestines on the ground. Hell...clown... Croc spurts in between coughs and wheezes, then spits blood at Joker. Jokers eyes squint and he goes silent as the grave while a terrifying and sadistic evil fills his eyes. Joker bends down and holds Crocs face equal to his own. What do you know about Hell? Joker asks, his voice is low and calm. For the first time since childhood, Croc feels fear seep into his heart as he looks into Jokers malevolent eyes. Joker drags his knife across Crocs face, digging down to the bone, and when he reaches Crocs eye he rams it in as far as the blade will go. Croc howls with a pain hes never known, and thrashes wildly on the floor. Joker throws all his weight into a knee that he buries in the back of Crocs neck, calming him dramatically. Joker then grabs the knife that he planted in Crocs back previously and rolls Croc onto his back. Croc stares with his last good eye as Joker brings his knife up in the air. No... he moans, the agony obvious in his ragged tone. Then Joker shoves the knife deep into the remaining eye, and into Crocs brain. Killer Croc releases his final, wretched breaths and goes limp on the warehouse floor. Joker gets to his feet, exhausted and battered. He spits blood onto Crocs dead body and just stares at it for a few moments. The maleficent gears turning in his warped mind and he recalls what he told Croc earlier. Joker grabs both knives from Crocs skull, wipes them on his pants and holds up Crocs arm. The knife slices through the leathery flesh after some effort, and within 20 minutes Joker has skinned Crocs upper torso from his neck to his waist. Joker stands up and looks at the scaly skin in his hands, then bends down, cuts the arms off and fashions a macabre vest from the messy skin. He stands again and puts his arms through the holes and drapes it over his own skin. Joker stares at his new fashion accessory, catching himself in whats left of the splintered glass on the wall he was thrown through. He says nothing as he stares, no witty remark, no playful pun, he simply stares at his work like an artist and walks away. He leaves Killer Crocs dead and deformed body along with the group of dead Black Mask men for Batman or the cops to find. He then paints a smile in blood, that he wiped from his own chest, on the side of a semi as he exits the warehouse.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:04:54 +0000

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