The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like - Part 1 Scripture “The kingdom - TopicsExpress


The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like - Part 1 Scripture “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field Matthew 13:24 Observation The good seed is the people who will hear Gods call and respond, the sons (and daughters) of the kingdom. The sower is Jesus. In this parable we can clearly see that the initial action is from God. Jesus sows, we respond. We do not approach God unless he first approaches us, which means God is actively seeking you. Sadly, there are also those who will choose not to respond, to remain aloof from God. But the two are left to grow side by side because the good grain and the weeds in question are very similar in appearance until full growth, then the two can be separated. Application I am a son of the kingdom, many of my friends are not, but it would be wrong and premature of me to assume that they are weeds. They have not reached full growth and will not until they breath their last on this earth, so I must continue to hope and pray and reach out to my friends who have yet to accept Jesus call. Prayer Dear God, thank you for the wonderful friends you have surrounded me with. Many of them are yet to accept your call, but I pray that I might continue to be an example to them, of a life lived with God, and that by that example they will see that it isnt so bad.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:06:51 +0000

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