The Kingdom of Heaven Theres much more to be said about hell, - TopicsExpress


The Kingdom of Heaven Theres much more to be said about hell, but now Ill share what I saw in Heaven. Jesus said, Daughter, now I am going to show you what I have prepared for My Holy people. We left that place, going out through a tunnel. While traveling through this tunnel, we suddenly came out to where there was light. I saw no more darkness, torment or flames. He said, Daughter, I am going to show you My glory,” and we started ascending to the Kingdom of Heaven! Soon we arrived at a door with giant letters written in gold, it said: Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said, Daughter, go in, for I am the Door and he who enters through Me, will enter, will go and will find pastures.(John 10:9) Gates of HeavenHeavens Banquet TableAfter the Lord said these words, the door opened and we entered. I saw angels giving glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father! (Revelations 7:11-12) As we continued walking, we approached a table of which I could see the beginning, but not the end. (Revelations 19:9) I observed a large throne, and a smaller throne surrounded by thousands of chairs. Between the chairs were garments along with crowns. The Lord told me, Daughter, the crown that you see there is the crown of life.(Revelations 2:10) Jesus said, Look, Daughter, this is what I have prepared for My people. I saw that the table was covered with a white tablecloth with gold edging. There were plates, gold goblets, fruit; everything was served. It was so beautiful. There was a very large vessel in the middle of the table, which contained the wine for the dinner. And Jesus said, Daughter, everything is ready for the arrival of My church. We went to another place, where I saw many people in a garden. There were well known people from the Bible, but they were not aged, but young. There was this young man with a large kerchief in his hand who danced and whirled around and praised the Lord. Jesus said, Daughter that young man that you see there is My servant, David. He was giving glory to our Father. Suddenly, another young man passes by and Jesus told me, Daughter, he is Joshua; he is Moses; this other young man is Abraham. Jesus would call them out by their names. They all had the same countenance! Jesus said, Daughter, that woman that you see there is My servant, Mary Magdalene; My servant, Sara. But then He told me, Daughter, she is Mary. Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, Who I am. Daughter, I want to tell you that she has no knowledge of the things happening on Earth. I want to tell you that you must go and tell humanity, tell idol worshippers that hell is real, and that idolaters will not inherit My kingdom, but go and tell them that if they repent, they can enter My heavenly dwelling place. Go tell them that I love them and tell them that Mary has no knowledge of anything [happening on Earth] and the only One that they must exalt is Me, because neither Mary, nor St. Gregory nor any other saint can offer salvation. I am the only One who saves and outside of Me – nobody, nobody, nobody- saves! He repeated it three times - that nobody could save; only He saves. Worship of MaryHumanity has been deceived believing in an assumed saint, which is not, but is a demon, working through an idol made by the hand of man. But, let me tell you that the Lord wants to give you the best. He wants you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to repent and to leave idolatry. Because idolatry will not save you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the one that saves, who gave His life for you, for me and for all humanity. The Lord has a great message for humanity. As He wept, He told me, Please, Daughter, do not be silent; go and tell the truth, go and tell what I have shown you. I saw how Mary worshipped the Lord, and I saw women with very beautiful long hair. I said, Lord, how pretty the way they wear their hair. He told me, Daughter, that which you see is the veil that I have given to a woman. He added, Daughter, go and tell women to take care of the veil that I have given them. Then He told me, I have something to show you that is very important. I looked far away and saw a shining city, a city of gold! I said, Lord, what is that? I want to go over there. He answered, “Daughter, I will show you what is over there. What you are seeing is the heavenly dwelling, the heavenly mansions which are ready for My people. We started walking, until we reached a golden bridge. As we walked over it, we came upon streets that were made of pure gold! (Revelations 21:21) Everything was so beautiful, so brilliant, like shining glass, it was absolutely supernatural, inexplicable! We saw heavenly mansions, and watched thousands of angels constructing them. Some of the angels constructed very rapidly, others constructed slowly and others were not constructing at all. I asked the Lord, Why are some angels constructing rapidly, while others are slower, and some have those stopped constructing? The Lord explained, Daughter, that is how My people work on Earth, and the angels work as My children work on Earth....Daughter, My people no longer spread the gospel. My people no longer fast. My people no longer go to the streets to distribute tracts telling the truth. My people are now ashamed. Go and tell My people to return to the old paths. Those angels that you saw that were doing nothing belong to those people that have walked away from My paths...Daughter, go and tell My people to return to the old paths, (Jeremiah 6:16) and in saying this He started to weep. I heard other people singing, so I asked Him, Lord, I want You to take me over there, where those people are singing. Jesus was observing me, I could tell how He was observing me, but I couldnt see His face, only the movements of His face. While His tears were pouring over His garment, I asked Him why He was weeping. But He would not explain it to me. Later we arrived at this beautiful garden. There, among the heavenly mansions, I saw flowers that were swaying. That must have been the singing I heard. The Lord pointed with His finger and said, Daughter, look, they praise Me; they worship Me! My people no longer do as they did before. My people no longer praise, no longer worship Me; no longer seek Me as before. That is why I told you, Daughter, to go and tell My people to seek Me, for I will go, I will go, I will go - for a people that seeks Me in spirit and in truth, for a people that are ready, for a holy people! And weeping He said, “I am coming, I am coming! Then I understand why He was weeping, because He is coming, but not for those that are half-hearted. He will return only for a people that is seeking Him in spirit and in truth. Jesus HandThen the Lord told me that I had to return to Earth. I said, Lord, I dont want to go back to Earth! What do you mean – Earth? I want to stay with You. You brought me here and Im not going anywhere because I am with You! Jesus said, Daughter, it is necessary that you return to Earth to go and testify that My glory is real, that what I am going to show you is real; that what you have seen is real – so that humanity will come to Me, repent and not perish. Weeping, I fell to His feet; there I saw wounds on His feet. I asked, Lord, what are these wounds here? He answered, Daughter, its the scar from that yester day, when I gave My life for humanity. He also showed me the scars in his hands, I asked, Lord, why do you still have that? He told me, Daughter, it is the scar that has remained. So I asked, Will this go away? He replied, Daughter, this will go away when all the saints are reunited here...Daughter, I must take you to Earth: Your family and the nations are waiting for you. I tried to refuse but He pointed down to Earth with His finger and said, Look, those people that you see down there are your relatives; that body that you see there, is where you have to return...It is time to leave this place. Then He took me along a beautiful crystal clear river and said Daughter, enter the river and submerge yourself. Before I entered that crystalline river of living water, I was experiencing indescribable joy, but after I submerged myself and came out, I was elated. I thought I would not have to return home, but the Lord told me, Daughter, you have to return to Earth...Daughter, I am going to show you something: How I am coming to Earth for a holy people. I am going to show you how the day of the Rapture will be. The Rapture and Tribulation We walked to a place with a giant screen, and I saw people in it. I could observe the whole world. Then suddenly I saw thousands of people disappearing. Pregnant women had their pregnancy disappear, and they looked like they had gone crazy screaming. Children had disappeared from all over. Many people were running from here to there, screaming, This cant be, this cant be! Whats happening? I saw those who had known the Lord, but were left behind. (Matt 24:40-41) They were saying that Christ had come, the Rapture happened. They screamed and wanted to kill themselves, but they couldnt. The Lord told me, Daughter, in those days, death will flee; Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth. (Revelations 9:6) There were accidents but I didnt see a single dead person: all of them were alive, although injured. After the RaptureI observed enormous traffic with thousands of people. He told me, Daughter, look, this is how everything will happen. I then saw people running from one place to another, shouting, Christ came, Christ came! They would plead, Lord, forgive me, forgive me, take me with You! But sadly the Lord said, It will be too late. The time to repent is now...Daughter, go tell humanity to seek Me, for during that time there will no longer be opportunity. (Isaiah 55:6) Daughter, it will be too late for all those that stay behind. When Jesus observed how people were left behind, He began to weep and said, Daughter, I will go to Earth as it says in 1 Thes. 4: 16-17 : “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” RaptureBut not everyone will go with the Lord, only those who are doing His will (Matthew 7:21) and living a holy life. For the Lord told me, Only those that are holy will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, (Hebrews 12:14), No one knows, neither the day nor the hour in which I will go for My holy people, not even the angels know it. (Matthew 24:36) On the screen I saw people running around. Magazines and TV news said that “CHRIST HAD COME.” The screen closed, and Jesus finished by saying, I will go for a holy people. This was all He showed me. After that, He brought me back here to Earth. With angels gathered round, we began to descend these beautiful stairs; white steps with flowers surrounding them. I was crying all the way down, pleading with Jesus, Lord, please, dont leave me here. Take me with You! He responded, Daughter, the nations, your family are waiting for you...Daughter, you must enter that body. You must receive life, Daughter, so you can go and testify what you have seen. Many will not believe you; many will believe you, but I am your faithful witness. I am with you. I will never leave you.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:33:11 +0000

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