The Kingdom of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo is RISEN! - TopicsExpress


The Kingdom of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo is RISEN! Have a meaningful ARAW NG KAGITINGAN! Time has come for the truth to be told about the Long Lost Grandsons claim to the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo. This case has been filed with the International Court of Justice, but remains unresolved. Political corruption and connivance exist to cover the truth. Therefore, the Royal Couple have decided to fight against all odds facing concrete danger. When the King and Queen are enthroned and acknowledged, the Global crisis shall also be resolved! Their Divine Mission is to settle and rectify the long maliciously and deliberately manipulated financial structure, the land grabbing and other social injustices. Her Royal Majesty Queen Maria Makiling Helen Fatima Panolino Abdurajak gained her Queenship when she married the heir and successor of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo HRM Raja (King) Mohammad Mohammad Ghamar Mamay Hasan Abdurajak on September 29, 2009 before the Office of the Muslim Affair (OMA). Observe the following significant dates: July 16, 2010 – meeting of Raja Mamay and Shariff Usman Datu Ismael Ali, his 110-year-old Grand-Uncle and brother of the late Tunku Abdul Rahman. He is the only LIVING WITNESS to the real heir to the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo. August 17, 2010 – King and Queen met with then Nayong Pilipino Foundation Curator and Executive Director Bai Moniera Pendatun and Visited UNESCO World Heritage Site Ligawasang Marsh in Mindanao, considered one of the worlds largest oil fields. August 26, 2010 – the start of mission for structural frame work for the Mindanao Peace Agreement. October 10, 2010 (CODE 10-10-10) – gathering of all their elders to do the Traditional Offering to Allah and to all their Ancestors. The King and Queen announced to the whole world that Raja Mamay is the grandson of Tunku Abdu Rahman (Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim), then Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya from 1955, and the Malaysia’s first Prime Minister from independence in 1957. He remained as the Prime Minister after Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined the federation in 1963 to form Malaysia. He is widely known simply as Tunku or The Tunku (a princely title in Malaysia) and also called Bapa Kemerdekaan (Father of Independence) or Bapa Malaysia (Father of Malaysia). October 20, 2010 – blood compact with rebel leaders showing their solidarity and full support to the King and Queen. May 18, 2011 – The Mindanao Convention – To see the fruits of the Royal Couple dangerous and almost impossible mission, that others have said were just dreams. Many had even said that they can never make Mindanao peaceful and orderly, but nonetheless miscalculated their judgment and analysis. On this historic day May 18, 2011 the Royal Couple called the first and historic Mindanao Convention held in Kabacan, North Cotabato, and it was truly a revelation to all walks of life. Millions of people came and signified their support, it is well documented signed and ready for presentation when so needed. This was the phase wherein many detractors surfaced. Allies became enemies, and adversaries became supporters, and the non partisan became the facilitators and negotiators. Threats to take the Royal Couple down and tried to eliminate them and became the worry of their families & relatives that even the Nuns and legions of Mary were in day and night vigil for their safety, especially Raja Mamay whose major contender to the throne was his brother Alnassiruddin now took the name Jamalul Kiram III, connived and conspired with MNLF groups and all the Claimants Sultan Sulu and with the Strong support of the UMNO Political Party in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. It is now all too apparent that they are not whom they profess they are. There are numerous historical accounts of Royalties killing one another, Father Against Son, Brother against brother, fighting for their chosen one to sit at the throne. Many times King Raja Mamay was declared insane or even dead. June 14, 2011 – the 50th birthday of Raja Mamay, and the commemoration of the 150th Birthday of our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal), and the historical gathering for the declaration of the Federal Republic of the Philippines. July 3, 2011 – the crowning of the King and Queen, also the 48th birthday of HRM Queen Helen. The Royal Couple regarded the crowning as a symbolic presentation to the world that they had been accepted and recognized by their ancestors and by the spirit of gratitude to God Almighty, who granted the rights and privileges to the poor, who should also inherit the blood of the Sultans of Sulu in the Land of Promise: Mindanao. November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) – Declaration of Dragon Age. The Royal Couple declared NO MORE WAR in Mindanao, and opening of business Development in Mindanao and Sulu, as they launched the HIDUP BOSS HOLDING COMPANY, Queen Maria Makiling Helen Fatima Nasaria Panolino Abdurajak Foundation Inc., Anak ng Mga Apo sa Mindanao Multipurpose Cooperative of which Ustads Ali Mamaki Kagui is the Chairman and the Queen still the General Manager with almost 1,000 plus and sub cooperatives, a very concrete evidence that they are now ready for funding and more alliances are joining since this are community-based projects. December 12, 2012 (12-12-12) Opening of the oil field in Ligwasan Marsh and territory to the world, being a UNESCO World Heritage Site. April 03, 2013 the historical signing of the Trilateral Memorandum of Understanding among: 1. THE NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES (NLFSP) 2. THE SULTANATE OF SULU & NORTH BORNEO (SSNB) and 3. THE COALITION FOR REFORM (CORE) That the National Liberation Front of Southern Philippines (NLFSP), a newly born organization with legitimate and binding endorsement with special power of authority from the civilians and former armed forces of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), represented by the Chairman Professor Sharief Mohammad Abubakar, shall act as the Royal Armed Forces to maintain peace and order in the territories of Mindanao and Sulu Archipelago, especially the Oil Fields of Liguwasang Marsh in harmony and proper coordination and alliance with the military installation and the Government of the Philippines. That the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (SSNB) Lupah Sug United Kingdom shall be the Protector and the Funder to help and facilitate the needed budget for the National Liberation Front of Southern Philippines (NLFSP) and the Coalition for Reform (CORE), as represented by Raja Mohammad Ghamar Mamay Hasan Abdurajak and Queen Maria Makiling Helen Fatima Nasaria Panolino Abdurajak. That the COALITION FOR REFORM (CORE) Group shall act as the Consolidator, Rectifier and Head Committee of the seven (7) Sub-Committees, namely the Socio-Political Committee, Eco-Political Committee, Military-Political Committee, Peace-Defense and Economic Committee, Funds and Financial Committee, International Legal Committee and the Religious-Health Care and Education Committee, in which these are to be conducted and implemented in harmony with the Office of the President of the Philippines and the Major Agencies of the Government of the Philippines as represented by its President Jaime ‘Jim’ Sarthou and your humble servant Secretary General Remigio Junn Duque. COalition For REform (CORE) is a relatively unknown entity, except to those who frequent the Internet, especially Facebook, we had an unshakable and firm principle not to compromise our deepest aspirations to rectify the wrongs. We will humbly and firmly stand for what is noble and true. We will wholeheartedly offer our determination for the attainment of peace and economic development in the Promise Land – the blessed Mindanao and our beloved nation – The Philippines! As HRM Helen Fatima has firmly stated: GOD IS OUR ARMOUR! TRUTH IS OUR BANNER! JUSTICE IS OUR PATTERN to achieve the goal of ULTIMATE PEACE and ORDER in Mindanao!!! As your humble servant I am attaching herewith the MOU and the ROYAL APPOINTMENT and LETTER OF INSTRUCTION to CORE. God bless us all! God Bless the Philippines. REMIGIO JUNN DUQUE Secretary General Coalition for Reform – CORE JAIME JIM SARTHOU President Coalition for Reform – CORE — with Arlene Recto and 6 others. By: Datu Junn Duque
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 10:09:16 +0000

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