The Kitchen Cabinet Curiouser and curiouser... with clues - TopicsExpress


The Kitchen Cabinet Curiouser and curiouser... with clues pointing North, the Malaysians insist on searching to the South. ABC News reports that Malaysian authorities have narrowed their search to one of two corridors radar analysis has defined as the only areas which the plane could have gone towards--the southern corridor, a stretch of ocean near Australia. The news of the search being limited to that corridor and not the northern one, which includes India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan, comes just as reports surface of witnesses. A newspaper in the Maldives, an island nation south of India, published a report Tuesday claiming that individuals had seen a low flying jumbo jet on the morning after the plane disappeared at 6 AM local time, the appropriate number of hours after the plane left Kuala Lumpur to place it near the Maldives. Sources have also told the Telegraph that Malaysian authorities search of the pilots flight simulator found in his home uncovered that the pilot had practiced landing on five runways in the Indian Ocean, including one in the Maldives. Chinese news outlet Xinhua also reports today that there is evidence of Thai officials seeing a plane on their radar that sufficiently resembles Flight 370 flying near their country on the night of its disappearance, adding more speculation that a search off the coasts of Australia is ill-founded.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:40:35 +0000

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